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Spark Your Imagination With The Guildford Institute’s New Term

Published on: 30 Nov, 2020
Updated on: 28 Nov, 2020

The Guildford Institute has launched its digital brochure for its new term beginning in January, offering 71 courses and workshops.

This spring term, the institute plans to welcome more courses and activities back into its historic building in Ward Street, while continuing to offer an extensive range of online courses.

The cover of the Guildford Institute’s spring 2021 online brochure with a photo taken by ‘Snowboard Paul’.

From art history to yoga, and languages to space exploration, whether online or in person, the institute says it will have a course to spark your imagination.

In response to the current climate, the institute has chosen to focus this term’s brochure theme on professional skills. By offering a range of courses aimed at enhancing professional development, it hopes to offer a valuable service to members of the community who may be looking for new employment.

Courses will include Develop Your Job Hunting Skills (February 4 to 11), Graphic Design for Beginners (February 24 to March 10) and Master the Basics of WordPress (January 20 to February 3).

The institute has introduced a brand new concessionary rate for under 30s, to ensure these courses, along with the programme in general, are as accessible as possible.

It will continue with its new Window on the World talks on weekday afternoons. People will have the option to attend in person or online and can expect to hear talks on a variety of different topics.

To begin with, popular institute tutor Cherrill Sands will offer two talks titled Garden History (January 27 and March 24). Plans for more talks are under way and will be announced via the institute’s website and social media channels.

With a £5 entry fee, attending the talks will support the institute to continue and grow its much-loved talks programme.

Each term, the institute supports and promotes the work of local artists through its brochure front cover. This term’s cover is by Surrey photographer ‘Snowboard Paul’ who combines his passion for snowboarding with a keen interest in photography.

Specialising in macro photography, the stunning image chosen shows a dew drop on grass transformed into a world of reflections, light and shadow.

Courses and workshops for the spring term will run from January 7 to March 30. Advance booking is essential. To view the new brochure, or to book on to a course, workshop or talk, visit

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