Guildford’s Spectrum leisure complex has come of age and has been celebrating its 21st birthday.
The Mayor of Guildford, Diana Lockyer-Nibbs and Spectrum’s marketing manager Rob Price cut the cake, watched by current staff members who were there when it opened: Ruth Woodstock, Brenda Tapley, Louise Peed and Trevor Jordan.
The Mayor of Guildford, Diana Lockyer-Nibbs, was on hand on Sunday afternoon to cut a special birthday cake (supplied by Celebration Cakes of Cranleigh) in the shape of the building.
The birthday celebrations came at the end of the February half term holidays – the busiest half term in the last five years: in excess of 56,000 people visited Spectrum between February 17 and 23.
The birthday followed on from the announcement that Spectrum, operated by Freedom Leisure on behalf of Guildford Borough Council, has named Woking & Sam Beare Hospices as its charity of the year for 2014.
Members of the public voted for one of three shortlisted charities with Surrey Young Carers and Oakleaf Enterprise also in the running.
Woking & Sam Beare Hospices provide specialist palliative care and cover a population of 400,000 people in the local area. They offer 24-hour support and medical care in their in-patient units, and also run two day care units. All care is provided free of charge and the hospices therefore rely on charitable donations to fund their services and facilities.
Spectrum will give Woking & Sam Beare Hospices activity tickets that can be exchanged for a wide variety of leisure facilities including swimming sessions, use of the gym, sports hall activities, group exercise classes and ten pin bowling.
The activity tickets are generated through the generosity of Spectrum’s customers who donate their loyalty card points to the cause. These points are converted into activity tickets for the charity to use as they wish. Around 200,000 points can be expected – equating to 400 activities.
Customers wanting to donate Active points to the charity can simply visit customer services or email with their Active Card number and the number of points they would like to give.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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