Fringe Box



Letter: Sponsorship Decision Reveals Gaping Loophole

Published on: 3 Oct, 2014
Updated on: 3 Oct, 2014

Protestors against the suspension of the council's sponsorship policy outside the council chamber at Millmead last night (September 30).From Natasha Barnes

I write with regard to the Executive decision on suspending the sponsorship policy for Armed Forces Day as reported in the article: Protesters Say Council Should Not Suspend Sponsorship Policy for Armed Forces Day.

On the one hand, I’m inclined towards Cllr Jackson’s view that it seems odd to want to honour our armed forces, but not want anything to do with those who produce weapons.

But I feel the deeper issue here is that, as Cllr Gunning pointed out, the decision was already made two weeks ago, behind closed doors, and is only now being ratified by the Executive in public.

As the council is currently reviewing its constitution, it would seem now a good time to close this gaping loophole.


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