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St Francis Church Carol Service Looks at Guildford Then and Now

Published on: 13 Dec, 2023
Updated on: 14 Dec, 2023

The annual carol service at St Francis Church, Beckingham Road, Westborough, has an additional local history theme this year.

In between well-loved carols there will be a focus on Christmas in Guildford in times gone by, with local historian and writer David Rose.

Topics will include past customs such as when the poor went door-to-door “a-gooding” for food, money or clothes; what it was like on Christmas Day in the Guildford Union Workhouse; and the mood at home during the First Christmas of the First World War.

Guildford butchers and poulterers once competed with one another for the best displays of game on the front of their shops. Long ago Christmas started on December 25 with the finale being Twelfth Night with a special cake for the occasion; and there will also be a look back at the cold winter of 1962-63.

In additional, Jyl Wheeler from the church will be reflecting on Christmas time in Guildford today and whether things are better now.

The carol service is on Sunday, December 17, at 4pm, followed by mince pies and mulled wine.

All welcome to attend. St Francis Church is in Beckingham Road, off Aldershot Road, GU2 8BU.


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