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Stag Hill Homes Protesters Step Up Their Fight And Host Second Public Meeting

Published on: 30 Dec, 2016
Updated on: 30 Dec, 2016

Protesters fighting plans for 134 homes to be built on Stag Hill below Guildford Cathedral have organised another public meeting for people to air their views.

A computer generated image of how the development will look once constructed.

It takes place at Guildford Park Church in Guildford Park Road Gu2 7NF, on Tuesday, January 3, starting at 8pm.

In a circulated email sent by Olive Edwards (whose letter regarding the type of development being proposed we published recently), she notes that Onslow ward councillors Tony Phillips and David Goodwin are planning to attend the meeting.

On December 5 Linden Homes submitted its revised plan for the homes to Guildford Borough Council. The land is owned by Guildford Cathedral. See previous story.

In her email Mrs Edwards wrote: “The main aim of the meeting is to give an update on the situation, to decide what questions we would like our councillors to ask on our behalf at a meeting with the planning officers when they meet in January and hopefully be able to give you the time of a planned site visit by council officials on Thursday, January 5.”

A plan of where the homes are proposed to be built on land owned by Guildford Cathedral. Click to enlarge in a new window.

She added that she has been told that a model and information boards relating to the developer’s plans are to be displayed in the marquee at Guildford Cathedral on January 5 from 6pm to 8pm.

In her email she added: “The event will be drop-in so you might wish to attend at any point during that time to view the model and may be able to discuss the plans with the Dean and members of the project team. I think as many of us as possible should try and be there.”

The revised planning application (15/P/02284) can be viewed at:

Scroll down to the bottom of the list as those dated December 2016 are of the current proposals.

Comments can still be made until midnight tonight (December 30).

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Responses to Stag Hill Homes Protesters Step Up Their Fight And Host Second Public Meeting

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    December 30, 2016 at 7:39 pm

    Most people have their minds on other things at this festive season and may well have over looked this important deadline.

  2. Howard Moss Reply

    January 6, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    Having looked at the list of people in support of this application and their zeal to keep this building open, I wonder how many of them have taken up what the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, suggested back in 1992, at a time when the Church of England was under other financial pressures. He proposed they give 10% of their salary as a tithe.

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