Fringe Box



Stage Dragon: Ward Thomas – G Live

Published on: 27 Feb, 2019
Updated on: 27 Feb, 2019

Lizzy (blonde) and Catherine (brunette) twin sisters who form Ward Thomas

By Alice Fowler

Ward Thomas, twin sisters who together form one of British music’s more surprising success stories, hail from Empshott in Hampshire. Playing to a packed G Live audience last night, at what they termed their “home show”, they professed nerves at playing in front of friends and family.

Nerves were hard to spot however in this vibrant, accomplished performance, at the start of their solo UK tour. Lizzy and Catherine boast extraordinary singing voices, showcased in ballads such as This Too Will Pass. Together they produce stunning harmonies which brought an appreciative home audience to its feet.

Ward Thomas are rooted in country music. In 2016 their debut album with a major label, Cartwheels, topped the charts, the first UK country act to do so. Singing tracks from their new album, Restless Minds, they showed an edgier sound, more rock than country, in songs such as No Filter – their new single – about the perils of social media. Often, however, their quieter, more intimate songs seemed most effective.

As the twins disarmingly remarked, “there are plenty of other things to do in Guildford on a Tuesday night”. No one left this concert – ably supported by excellent country group The Wandering Hearts – wishing they had been anywhere else.

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