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Updated: Stoke Road Closure Expected to Continue for At Least Another Week

Published on: 11 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 13 Jul, 2023

The entrance of Stoke Road off York Road closed to all motor traffic heading north and south.

By Martin Giles

See update below

An emergency closure of the busy Stoke Road is expected to continue for at least another week, according to workmen on site, but they understood the importance of the route and are progressing as quickly as possible.

The road closure commenced last week when a void was discovered close to the crossroads with York Road.

Cllr Angela Goodwin

Local councillors were alerted and Cllr Angela Goodwin (Lib Dem county councillor for Guildfordford South West) relayed a message from Surrey County Council on Nextdoor: “Earlier this week operatives from the Surrey Highways Team went out for a reported void in the carriageway on Stoke Road close to the junction with York Road Guildford.

“Works were carried out overnight where it was discovered that a sewer pipe of Thames Water was leaking causing the subsoils to be washed away.

“These works were carried out under a directional road closure keeping the outward-bound traffic from the town moving. Yesterday – Thursday, July 6 – Thames Water has taken on this site to make these urgent repairs.

The excavation at 4pm today (July 10). The damaged pipe is understood to lie at a depth of 2.5 metres.

“Unfortunately, the works team has discovered that a collar on the sewer pipe has become dislodged. Thames Water remains hopeful that this can be repaired over a few short days. However, they have also indicated that due to the damage, they may need to replace a full section of the sewer pipe. This will require a far longer period of time. They have provided this as a completion date as the July 27.

“Due to this emergency work, the depth and width of excavations which are required for this repair and for the safety of, Stoke Road has today (Friday, July 7) been fully closed to all traffic.

“A full diversion route will be implemented for the period of these repairs. There will be some congestion, Thames Water will complete these repairs as soon as possible as they realise the importance of this section of carriageway bringing traffic in and out of Guildford town.”

Cllr Goodwin added:” Please avoid this area whenever possible!”

Today, workmen at the site said the works required extensive excavation to a depth of 2.5 metres to uncover the damaged pipe. A digger had been used today but a depth of only about 1 metre had been reached.

See also: Highways Repair Bulletin July 10

Update Tuesday, July 11

Cllr Goodwin said a SCC officer had written to her saying he/she had been in touch with Thames Water who confirmed that they need to replace a section of pipe and a deeper excavation is necessary requiring additional equipment.

The message continued: “Due to the classification of the road further time will need to be included for the curing of the concrete, however, they are hopeful for the repair to be made by the end of the week followed by a period of curing. They will then commence to backfill and reinstate [the road] by early next week, all going well.

“I have also arranged with Thames water (clean water) to also come in and conduct a repair on a service pipe to the water mains whilst the road is closed. Hopefully to prevent another set of works which would require a closure.”

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