By Martin Giles and Hugh Coakley
A straw poll of Guildford shoppers yesterday indicated that those questioned favoured Rishi Sunak as our next prime minister.
We asked 58 people: “If you a vote in the Conservative leadership election for our next prime minister would you vote for Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss?” 25 said Sunak, 16 said Truss and 15 said neither.
Of the comments made on the candidate preferences, positive comments on personal qualities were about even but when it came to policies there was a clear preference for Rishi Sunak. (See below for example comments.)
Guildford’s Conservative MP, Angela Richardson, who is backing Rishi Sunak, said when told of our result: “The findings by The Guildford Dragon on our High Street reflects conversations I’ve had on the doorstep over the last several months when I’ve asked constituents who they want to see as our Prime Minister.
“It’s also what I’m hearing around the country at the many events where members have the opportunity to meet Rishi. It indeed chimes with the polls that I’ve seen.
“Beyond the Conservative membership, Rishi appeals to swing voters.
“I chose to support Rishi in line with my well-documented position on standards in public life. Rishi has promised to re-appoint an ethics adviser immediately if he is elected. He also supports the Privileges Committee in their work regarding the current PM. Standards matter to the people of Guildford. They matter to me.”
Only the 800, or so, Conservative members in the Guildford constituency have a vote in the leadership election.
Some of the reasons given to Dragon pollsters for the stated candidate preferences were:
Pro Sunak
More likeable than Truss. More sensibly-minded.
Seems more experienced in economics. Sound CV.
Looks the part. More serious.
We can’t afford tax cuts.
Purely because he has been the chancellor.
Less bad of two terrible options.
He would deal better with the cost of living crisis.
More diverse background.
Pro Truss
Seems to know what she is doing. Policies seem good.
Like the things she says. Like her promises. I trust her to deliver.
More trustworthy.
Her policies and we need a woman.
Woman’s intuition might be better. She might be more sympathetic to families.
More British.
Economics expertise.
We should have a vote.
Both far too right-wing. Rubbish policies. No idea of reality.
Don’t like either. I have lost confidence in politicians.
Politicians are self-serving. Can’t trust them.
I don’t see a difference.
The Tories have been in power too long.
Guardian Poll
The Guardian yesterday (August 13) published a poll of Conservative members showing a continuing big lead for Liz Truss.
In an article: “Poll of Tory members gives Liz Truss 22-point lead to be next prime minister” they include the following graphic:
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Peter Mills
August 15, 2022 at 12:33 pm
What purpose does a poll of 58 shoppers serve? You have the opinions of a small number of people who go shopping on a Saturday. Not exactly a representative sample is it?
Ben Paton
August 15, 2022 at 4:34 pm
Well done The Dragon for providing another data point.