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Support And Advice On Legal Highs Available At New Drop-in Sessions

Published on: 9 Apr, 2015
Updated on: 9 Apr, 2015

A Guildford-based charity is offering a new drop-in session giving advice and support about legal highs.

The pilot sessions, the first of their kind in Surrey, are being offered by SAdAS (Southern Addictions Advisory Service) that works with people who have drug, alcohol and mental health issues.

The sessions began on Wednesday this week (April 8) at Guildford Action’s day centre, Beverley Hall in Haydon Place, GU1 4ND. The sessions will be weekly on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7.30pm.

Posters announcing the service are headed ‘Legal doesn’t mean safe / don’t be a guinea pig’.

SAdAS’S chief executive Hayden Morris said: “This pilot, the first in Surrey, will offer people who are worried about their use [of legal highs] the opportunity to find out more and where to access help.”

Experienced staff will be available to offer support and advice.

Legal highs or NPS (novel or new psychoactive substances) are different from traditional illicit drugs. They have been created to mimic the effects of illicit drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines.

When one product is banned, another (slightly tweaked at molecular level) product will take its place, often marketed as the new version of the banned substance.

SAdAS adds that all other drugs have been studied over the years and information is available on their long- and short term-effects. This cannot be said for legal highs. There has been no safety testing.

SAdAS is based at 14 Jenner Road, Guildford GU1 3PL T.

Tel: 01483 590150.

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