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Support For Children And Their Parents At The Spinney

Published on: 6 May, 2015
Updated on: 6 May, 2015

It’s not only young ones who benefit from the services at the Spinney Children’s Centre, it also gives plenty of support to parents who are considering their return to work after time off caring for their family, as reporter ANNA VALENTINA finds out.

The Spinney Children’s Centre, in Southway, Park Barn, gives a hand to parents with young children. They support families to become healthy and happy. Moreover, they give support to parents who would like to get back to work after the years of childcare.

At the Spinney Children's Centre There is a wall full of curiosities with something to touch, something to grab and something to open.

At the Spinney Children’s Centre there is a wall full of curiosities with something to touch, something to grab and something to open.

It is a great delight becoming a parent; at the same time this period is full of stress and uncertainty. How to take care of a newborn baby? How to support the natural inquisitiveness of a child? How to explain the art of making friends? There could be millions of tricky problems, as unique as children are.

The right answers are easier to find if you ask the professionals. There are around 900 children under the age of five who live in Park Barn, Westborough and Onslow Village, and they all can get such support from the Spinney.

The deputy manager at the Spinney, Melissa Green.

The deputy manager at the Spinney, Melissa Green.

The deputy manager of the centre, Melissa Green, describes some of the many things they can do for both children and their parents.

She explains that Spinney is a community hub for families with children under the age of five where midwives, health visitors and the Spinney team are on hand to support and advise parents through play and learn sessions, baby  clinics, baby massage, paediatric first aid and many more sessions. They aim to show how to have fun while learning and exploring and how to prepare a child for school. Fathers are covered too as there is a special group for them.

Melissa said: “All these drop-in sessions that we are running are quite popular, the leading one being Play and Learn. About 50 children with their parents attend it every week.”

The Spinney also offers a free service for those parents who seek help with their return to education, training or employment. It is being funded by a grant from Surrey County Council’s Travel SMART scheme.

The child, especially a newborn, is the centre of the universe for its parents, but sooner or later maternity leave ends. Then, there comes a time to think about the process of returning to work. That could be a challenge for those mums who spend several years at home with their children.

The Spinney's education, training and employment co-ordinato, Hazel Jobson.

The Spinney’s education, training and employment co-ordinato, Hazel Jobson.

The Spinney’s education, training and employment co-ordinator is Hazel Jobson. She helps parents consider options available to them and when they are ready she helps them to complete job applications, write CVs and gives tip on improving their interview skills.

Equally important is that she encourages people to have a positive attitude and helps them to build their confidence. A lot of mothers admit they feel that their empolyability skills have been lost and that they do not understand what they could offer any employer.

Hazel points out that in fact these women quite often have invaluable experience to a potential employer. She said: “If they have been able to raise several children, they will be well organised, be good at multitasking, and have excellent communication and negotiation skills. There are a lot of employers who would be happy to hire such a worker.”

According to Hazel, even if a woman feels that children are her real passion, she could turn it to her advantage by getting a job in a nursery or a school.

To get valuable experience and good references is not a problem as there are volunteer roles available at the Spinney.

Hazel had been in the same situation herself. After five years of maternity leave she decided to go back to work. She said it was not easy, but she managed to do it, and now generously shares her experience. The results of her work are impressive as since September five people she has supported are now in permanent jobs.

Children learn about plants and even grow some vegetables at the Spinney.

Children learn about plants and even grow some vegetables at the Spinney.

The Spinney Children’s Centre is a not-for-profit organisation. It is based at Guildford Grove School, Southway GU2 8YD. It is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.

Tel: 01483 510570.




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