Fringe Box



Supporters Join In With ‘Hands Around The Electric Theatre’

Published on: 28 Jan, 2016
Updated on: 29 Jan, 2016

Supporters of GATA (Guildford Amateur Theatre Association) turned out in force on Saturday morning to join ‘Hands Around the Electric’.

People circle Guildford's Electric Theatre to make their felings known. Click to enlarge in a new window.

People circle Guildford’s Electric Theatre to make their felings known. Click to enlarge in a new window. Picture by Phil Griffiths.

Holding hands and circling the venue the group demonstrated their passion for the building and their support for community theatre.

GATA was delighted with the turn out. Chairman Mandy Grealis said: “With nearly 200 people in attendance of all ages, and representing all different types of commuity groups not just those that use the theatre, this really showed how much people care for the Electric and what it stands for.”

Guildford Borough Council has now announced a public consultation on the proposals for the future of the venue and GATA is encouraging the public to have their say by filling out the consultation and making their voices heard.

Mandy Grealis added: “It’s really important that the people of Guldford get involved and tell the council what they think.

“The Electric can only serve the community if the community engages with it.

“GATA’s key aim is to protect community and amateur theatre and all of the management options expressed in the public consultation will impact on this in different ways.”

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