Surrey County Council has launched Solar Together offering people the chance to buy solar panels for their homes through a group-buying scheme.
For those who already have solar panels, the council says the scheme will also allow them to purchase batteries to store solar energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
The council adds that people can now register their interest for free with no obligation. The sale will be in the form of an auction on June 29. Those who have signed up will then be able to choose whether or not to proceed.
The scheme includes solar panels with optional battery storage and electric vehicle charging points as well as retrofit battery storage for people who have already invested in solar panels and are looking to get more from the renewable energy they generate, as well as increase their independence from the grid.
Solar panels. Library image.
Surrey County Council says it is working with its districts and borough councils and independent experts iChoosr, to make the transition to clean energy as cost effective and hassle-free as possible.
For most homes, solar panels are classed as permitted development, therefore planning permission is not required, although you should always check.
The council says the scheme builds on three years of the highly successful Solar Together programme across the UK. It has delivered almost 4,000 installations to date and more than 60,000 tonnes of avoided lifetime carbon emissions.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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