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Beekeeper’s Notes: Bees Must Adjust To The Early Seasons

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon Isn’t the weather lovely! Cold at night but dry and sunny during the day. The bees are enjoying it as well, flying whenever they…

Beekeeper’s Notes: The Astonishing Chelsea Flower Show

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon My better half and I had a trip to the Chelsea Flower Show last week. Not being much of a gardener, my observations were…

Beekeeper’s Notes October 2017: The British Black Bee

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. He talks about how the British native black bee may be making a comeback within these shores. It is interesting to see how an…

Beekeeper’s Notes January 2017 – Do Bees Poo In The Forest?

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. In the latest of his monthly notes, he talks about the toilet habits of bees during the winter. Have you had that bloated feeling…

Beekeeper’s Notes November 2016: Honey On Show

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. In the latest of his monthly notes, he talks about the National Honey Show and adulterated honey being exported around the world. I heard…

Beekeeper’s Notes October 2016: Natural Healing From The Hive

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. In the latest of his monthly notes, he talks about propolis, the little known substance in the hive but with well documented healing properties.…

Beekeeper’s Notes September 2016: Ghostly Bees

Hugh Coakley, who keeps bees in Worplesdon, talks about observing the hive entrance for clues on what is going on inside and the strange sighting of ghostly bees around this…

Beekeeper’s Notes July 2016: Queen For Sale

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon and writes a regular column on beekeeping. He talks this month about the wonderful world of queens. It is always nice to have some…

Beekeeper’s Notes June 2016: To Propagate Is The Order Of The Day

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. We know about the birds and the bees but do we know how bees increase and propagate? He continues his monthly notes below… The…