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Thank You GBC for Jubilee Gardens’ Upkeep

Published on: 28 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 29 Nov, 2023

From: Anthony Mallard

In response to: Stoke Park’s Jubilee Oak Tree Gets Special Visit by Grandchildren of Those who Planted It

The Jubilee Gardens – albeit I didn’t know it by this name – has given me many years of pleasure.

As a small boy in the early 1950s, I used to be encouraged to run around the boating pond to expend some of my excess energy. Later I used to sail my pond yacht there and when a little older, a radio-controlled motor yacht.

Seventy-plus years on and a lot less mobile, I still enjoy walking around the pond for a little exercise and sometimes, as I rest on one of the seats, telling the young mums I meet, who are overseeing their children run about and sail their boats, that I could do that once!

May I use this opportunity to thank the Guildford Borough Council parks team for their recent excellent work in restoring these gardens and for keeping them so well. It is greatly appreciated.

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