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The Ash Vale Covid Rock Snake – A Creative Diversion in These Difficult Times

Published on: 5 Feb, 2021
Updated on: 7 Feb, 2021

By David Reading

If you go down to the woods today, you’ll find a rather uplifting display of creativity in these difficult times of Covid-19. 

“Please add your rocks”

Just outside the perimeter of the Ash Ranges, local people have been laying coloured stones that form “the Ash Vale Covid rock snake”. The snake has grown as people have been adding their own painted rocks. “Let’s see how long we can make it,” says a message attached to a tree.

Who lives in a house like this…?

A model house fashioned from a tree stump and other curiosities enhance the fairytale nature of the display.

“If I am wise, I’ll stay perfectly still and they’ll think I’m a statue!”

Although the initial instigator’s identity if not revealed, clearly the purpose is to lift people’s spirits during the pandemic and pay tribute to those who are working to alleviate suffering – such as the workers of the NHS.

How long can they make it?

On one of the rocks is painted the message: “NHS – we salute you and everything you are doing to support the country at this time.”

A scout’s salute for the NHS

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Responses to The Ash Vale Covid Rock Snake – A Creative Diversion in These Difficult Times

  1. Roshan Bailey Reply

    February 10, 2021 at 11:43 pm

    Thank you, Ash Vale people. Your lovely work gives me great pleasure and always makes me smile when I walk past.

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