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Letter: The Clay Lane Link Road Is Not The Answer

Published on: 5 Oct, 2015
Updated on: 5 Oct, 2015
Signs proclaiming 'No Link Road' on a fence in Clay Lane, Jacobs Well.

Signs proclaiming ‘No Link Road’ on a fence in Clay Lane, Jacobs Well.

From Frank Phillipson

I am writing in response to the debate on the Clay Lane Link Road.

The A320 Woking Road is only really a problem in capacity terms in the vicinity of its inadequate signal controlled junction with Slyfield Industrial Estate. The A320 coming from the A3, has mostly now been routed away from housing between Stoughton Road and Hazel Avenue.

Ideally the A320 should be improved from Hazel Avenue to the Woking borough boundary where an up to date standard of road commences. This would allow the highly dangerous acute junction with Burdenshott Road to be realigned and other minor improvements made.

The problem at the Woking Road/Moorfield Road, junction is that improvements to the traffic light controlled junction have never been carried out.

These were tabled by Surrey County Council in 1998 and December 2003 (see:

Instead of addressing the problem with the A320 junction, highlighted in the above report, GBC are going for the more “sexy” new “link road” which is much more likely to attract publicity, investment and new companies to Slyfield Industrial Estate (owned by GBC).

However, the link road would not address the continuing need to use the existing A320 junction which is nearer the town centre and other areas of Guildford. That junction is likely to remain being used by the majority of the people wanting to visit the large number of car showrooms and other traders on the estate.

There is also no compulsion on HGVs, lorries and vans etc, to use the new link road and they will also use the existing junction if it’s convenient.

The link road is likely to become a through route from Clay Lane to the A320, cutting off the existing “corner” using Jacobs Well Road which has no signal controlled junction on to the Woking Road. It is highly undesirable to attract through traffic on to Moorfield Road which has parking along both sides and has numerous accesses and road junctions with limited visibility due to the parked vehicles.

There is also the hazard of drivers searching to find companies’ addresses on the estate which can distract them from concentrating on other road users.

The long straight of Moorfield Road directly from the A320 appears to encourage drivers to drive at fairly high speeds, a situation that would not be improved with additional through traffic.

In Clay Lane the double bend to the west of Burpham Court Farm entrance to the bridge over the River Wey is unsuitable to be used for increased traffic. It appears that this section is of the original road alignment and was not improved when the sections either side were upgraded.

The northern fence line in this vicinity appears to have been realigned but with the road realignment not taking place. There have been at least two fatal accidents at this location to my knowledge.

The link road will attract HGVs through Burpham off of the A3 southbound along London Road and Clay Lane. There is already congestion at the roundabout junction of Clay Lane with London Road which additional traffic would add to. Clay Lane then passes a children’s play area and a nearby junior school, places where it is not ideal to have additional HGVs passing.

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Responses to Letter: The Clay Lane Link Road Is Not The Answer

  1. Martin Elliott Reply

    October 5, 2015 at 12:23 pm

    Prior to 1998, wasn’t the A320 due to be realigned and the junctions improved under a Government scheme?

    We even had, as was popular, a protest camp on Stringers Farm. Unfortunately, along with many other National schemes it was cancelled by a Government budget.

    As has been indicated, Surrey County Council has never indicated that this improvement is now redundant, in fact, quite the opposite.

    As always, improvements in infrastructure, whilst not simultaneous, do need to be holistic. Without at least some idea of improvements to A320 and A3 junctions, the Clay Lane link is vanity project, which despite the unpublished traffic studies seems to exacerbate traffic issue rather than solve them.

  2. Jim Allen Reply

    October 5, 2015 at 1:39 pm

    Excellent comments

  3. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    October 5, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    For all the reasons cited by Mr Frank Phillipson as to why “The Clay Lane Link Road is not the answer”, how about a direct Slyfield access off the A3 as I’ve proposed earlier under Proposed Clay Lane Link Road discussions?

    Yes, improvements to the Woking Road/Moorfield Road junction would certainly help improve flow as would improvement to the section beyond Hazel Avenue.

    The A320 would continue to be used by traffic to and from the southern section of the A3 and the town more conveniently whereas for the traffic from the northern section of the A3, the route could be well shortened if a direct access off the A3 is provided.

    Such a route in addition would provide a more convenient access for houses in the Slyfield Regeneration scheme when it comes to fruition and would not overload the existing A320 junction with the A3.

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