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The Dragon Says: Council Leader Blocks Cynical Ploy By Profit-Hungry Developer

Published on: 13 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 14 Mar, 2019

It is not often one of our reports attracts national media coverage but the netting of trees in Walnut Tree Close, first reported by us on Thursday (March 7), was yesterday followed up with a deluge of complaints on Facebook and covered by the BBC, ITV, Sky, and many national papers.

The netting seems to be a clear example of a cynical attitude by developers to take any measure to prevent delay should their planning applications be approved, thinking only of profit. They knew disturbance of nesting birds could be a valid reason for delay so netted the trees to prevent nesting even though their application has yet to be approved.

De netting the trees at Walnut Tree Park today

The BBC said the developer, Sladen Estates, which aims to build 191 homes [the application states 361 student units] on the site, has not explained why it has put the nets up. Sladen Estates said:  “We understand the strength of reaction to the netting of trees at Walnut Tree Park, Guildford, but want to reassure everyone that we have taken the correct advice.”

Another view of the de-netting Photo courtesy Kelita Groom

We have often criticised the council leader, Paul Spooner, but on this occasion, he acted quickly and directed that the nets should be taken down. And today (March 13) the nets are being removed.

See also: Council Leader Steps In To Have Nets On Trees Removed and Why Have Trees In Woodbridge Meadows Been Shrouded?

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Responses to The Dragon Says: Council Leader Blocks Cynical Ploy By Profit-Hungry Developer

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    March 13, 2019 at 2:57 pm

    Perhaps we can now look forward to Mr Spooner saving the trees and wildlife at Wisley, Gosden Hill, and Blackwell farm etc, by scrapping his ruinous Local Plan.

  2. Jim Allen Reply

    March 13, 2019 at 4:19 pm

    At long last – community, council officers and elected leaders working in harmony. Oh, what a sweet sound.

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