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The Dragon Says: In Touch or Out of Touch?

Published on: 22 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 23 Mar, 2019

Are the champagne corks already popping at Guildford’s Tory HQ in, er, Woking?

Who could blame them for celebrating early? If national politics have any influence on the borough council results, as most admit they will, then there might not be much to celebrate come May 3 when the borough election count is complete.

Someone seems to have been under the influence when selecting the photo for their website article, “Join our Campaign for 2019”. Bearing a caption “Saturday, 2 February, 2019”, it shows a picture taken during the 2015 campaign, complete with resigned former leader Stephen Mansbridge (exposed for involvement in the elected mayor campaign), and two councillors, Tony Rooth and Nils Christiansen, who defected following deselections.

Conservative website 22 March 2019, 10.30am.

Or is The Dragon behind the news? Are the Conservatives now so desperate they have welcomed back their prodigal sons?

It seems not. An indignant Cllr Christiansen has written this morning:

Dear Guildford Conservatives,

It has come to my attention that you are using my image as part of your election campaigning. This is completely unauthorised and gives the misleading impression to the public that I am in support of Conservative policies. As you well know, I am an Independent borough councillor and I am deeply upset that my name should be associated with your political campaign, particularly considering the damage being wrought by the Conservative Party both nationally and locally.

Please can you immediately remove any reference to my name or image from all your campaign material, and publicly apologise for the reputational damage caused by your actions to date?


Nils Christiansen


But this is not the only faux pas. As previously reported, a pre-election newsletter distributed in Worplesdon gave the impression that the three Conservative candidates were already in place as the Worplesdon team and could take credit for local successes at the borough council over the last year.

Not so. Of the three named, only David Elms has been a Worplesdon borough councillor over that period; the unexplained deselection of Bob McShee and Iseult Roche’s last-minute withdrawal have been air-brushed from Tory history.

Worse still, the council leader’s message that claims made about protecting the green belt would not be repeated in this campaign’s Conservative election literature, did not seem to reach those out of touch editors of the Tory Worplesdon leaflet.

In an interview with the Guildford Dragon, Martin Giles challenged Cllr Paul Spooner: “There will be people that only saw the headlines on your [2015] campaign literature ‘Green Belt Here To Stay’, in Shalford we ‘vow to protect’, I think the word ‘vow’ was used, and the two councillors who made that vow, according to the headline, then voted against the amendment that would have removed the Blackwell Farm Development, the one they were vowing to protect. Why should a voter trust the Conservative candidates now, on this issue?”

Cllr Spooner replied: “It’s a very good question because I feel very strongly that in politics you should not lie and you should not twist the facts to a point where it is just presented as spin. Now I do believe that, particularly in local politics, you should be honest…”

Martin Giles: “But you won’t be running things like that this time, will you?”

Cllr Spooner: “No.”

So that, at least, was clear. But hang on, what are the “Worplesdon “Team” holding when photographed for the newsletter… oh dear, it is a message that they are “preserving our local green belt”. Tell that to the Blackwell Farm campaigners.

Cllr Spooner says that the newsletter, “…did not cross the line, in my opinion”. Well, we are all entitled to our opinions.

And yesterday Conservative campaign literature was dropping through letter-boxes in Friary & St Nicolas. Were there any green belt claims within? No. In this case, In Touch was in touch. All mention of our green belt had been carefully avoided. So too was any specific mention of the council’s most important piece of work of the last four years, the Local Plan, due to be pushed through in April, before the newly elected council, in May, can do anything about it.

Like Cllr Spooner, The Dragon believes politicians should be honest, so we ask our readers to scrutinise the election literature they receive from all parties and let us know of dubious claims and promises made.

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Responses to The Dragon Says: In Touch or Out of Touch?

  1. Tony Rooth Reply

    March 23, 2019 at 8:52 pm

    Like my Independent colleague Nils Christiansen, I am also offended by the photo, published on the Conservaties’ website and I have also written to Mr Hughes, chairman of Guildford Conservative Association. Here is my letter. I have not received any response.

    “I have just read the “In Touch or out of Touch” article published today in The Guildford Dragon and the quoted letter sent by Cllr Nils Christiansen, my Independent Alliance colleague.

    It is completely unacceptable that Guildford Conservatives should mislead the public [by potraying] that I support the Conservative Association, the Conservative Party and its campaign for the local council elections in 2019. The photograph on your website indicates that I supported and even canvassed on behalf of Conservatives as recently as 2nd February.

    Nothing can be further from the truth, as you know yourself. In May 2018, I resigned from the party, association and the Conservative group on Guildford Borough Council.

    I had been a Conservative for over 40 years, starting as councillor on Greenwich Council in the 1970s.

    However, I had become so disillusioned with the Conservatives, both at national and local level that I could no longer continue as a party member.

    Nationally, I have disagreed publicly with some government policies especially the housing “right to buy” which continues to reduce the social housing available to those in need. The Conservative Government, together with other political parties and politicians has made such a mess of Brexit that the UK is now a laughing stock on the world stage.

    Locally, I could not support the introduction of the Pop Up Village which has wasted over £1,000,000 on a wasteland. I have also questioned other council projects, their value for money and proper consultation with the public. As a result, I was removed from the Executive and subsequently from chairmanship of the Housing Board immediately, by email. It appears that a councillor is sidelined or sacked if not slavishly toeing the party line.

    I see that the offending photograph and statement has now been removed, doubtless as a result of Cllr Christiansen’s letter. However, that action does not remove the damage to my reputation caused since May 2018.

    Therefore, I accordingly request a public written apology for damage to my reputation caused by this unauthorised and misleading impression given to the public since May 2018 to date, together with an undertaking that there will be no future reference to my name and image on Conservative publicity.”

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