Fringe Box



Letter: The Casino Was Run in Exemplary Fashion

Published on: 25 Jun, 2023
Updated on: 25 Jun, 2023

The Casino Guildford Google Streetview

From: Paul Spooner

Former Conservative borough councillor and leader of the GBC Conservative group

In response to: Casino Nightclub Shock Closure Announced, ‘Last Dance’ on Saturday, July 8

Ian Forward should be congratulated on the way he has run the Casino. It was no surprise that the Casino won the EG Best Bar None Overall Winner last year.

His security team have long been appreciated in the town centre and, despite the occasional inevitable issues from running a late night venue, the Casino took all issues seriously.

The Casino started when I was leader at GBC and to be honest I was a little worried but under Ian’s control I had little to be concerned about.

Good luck to Ian and his team with what they do next.

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Responses to Letter: The Casino Was Run in Exemplary Fashion

  1. Dave Middleton Reply

    June 27, 2023 at 1:53 pm

    Having never been inside the club I can’t comment on how it was run by the tenant, however it’s a shame, nay, an utter disgrace, how the owner of the building has turned a once pleasant brick building into a hideous eyesore and a blot on the Guildford street scene. He should be ashamed of himself.

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