Jan Messinger with her monthly round up of news from the parish of Worplesdon.
Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations
Worplesdon pulled out all the stops to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee with a host of events that took months of planning by residents, the parish council and churches.
The community fun day at Fairlands.
The sun shone on Thursday, June 2, for the Fairlands community fun day.
Attractions included stalls, competitions, classic cars, a rock choir, egg and spoon races, a beer tent, a miniature railway, a dog show, music from Uke Rhythmics and Horsemen of the Acapulco, a fancy dress competition, the Surrey Swing, and more..
Pictures above and below from the Fairlands community fun day.
Jonny Ayling in his union flag suit.
It concluded with the lighting of a beacon lit by Worplesdon Parish Councillor, Brigitte Ahier, at short notice due to the person due to light it had hurt themselves.
The lighting of the beacon at Fairlands.
Wood Street Village’s celebrations that also included the lighting of a beacon were led by the chairman of Worplesdon Parish Council, Nigel Mitchell, and Deputy Surrey Lieutenant David Hypher.
Amelia and Connie light the beacon at Wood Street Village.
The beacon was lit by its May queens Amelia and Connie.
Phil Kirby played a fanfare and Harry Wynne, piper from the Gordon’s School, played Dui Reganare. This has been written by piper Major Stuart Liddell-Glenfiddich Champion, especially for the platinum jubilee.
Children played a cricket match on the green at Wood Street Village.
On Sunday, June 5, Wood Street Village green played host to a jubilee picnic, a children’s cricket match and maypole dancing with the Wood Street Infant School choir.
The beacon at St Mary’s Church, Perry Hill.
A beacon was lit from the tower of St Mary’s Church at Perry Hill by Jessica Jordan, winner of Worplesdon’s jubilee art competition, with many entries by local children.
At the concert at St Mary’s Church.
Before the beacon was lit there was a concert with music from the shows, military songs, and “last night of the proms”, with solo pieces by Martin Wright, Becca Ivey Scott, church organist Geoff Tuson and the church choir, with bugler Gill Elliot playing Majesty and piper Weigee Ng playing Dui Regnare and Amazing Grace.
Fun on the recreation ground at Perry Hill.
On Sunday, June 5, at Worplesdon Memorial Hall and recreation ground there was a jubilee picnic with entertainment from Guildford School of Acting, Dynamic Performing Arts and Uke Rhythmics.
Above and below, the jubilee celebrations at Perry Hill.
There were also egg and spoon races and tug ‘o war, while the Sime Gallery held workshops for children to make crowns. At lease 50 people visited the gallery during the afternoon.
Children’s jubilee artwork on display.
The children’s jubilee art competition work was also on show, and continues until July along with memorabilia of the Queen.
Worplesdon View care home at Pitch Place celebrated with a classic car show by The Surrey Classic Vehicle Club.
Classic cars at Worplesdon View care home.
There was music by 2Tanium, which created a party atmosphere and a talk about Albury Vineyard. Residents created floral decorations fit for a Queen after watching a display by Ferndown Florist.
News from the parish council
At the latest meeting, Cllr Nigel Mitchell was installed as its new chairman.
The new chairman of Worplesdon Parish Council, Cllr Nigel Mitchell.
New chairman Cllr Nigel Mitchell and Cllr David Bird with clerk Gaynor White.
In the absence of Cllr Paul Cragg, Cllr David Bird stood in to welcome Nigel to his new position. Cllr Cragg was thanked for his 10 years service as past chairman.
New chairman Cllr Nigel Mitchell welcomes in new Cllr Mike Price.
Jacobs Well resident Mike Price was co-opted as a new parish councillor at the meeting.
Matters at the meeting included reviewing 16 planning applications, speed survey data results highlighting vehicles being driven at dangerous speeds along the A323 Aldershot Road, installation of a footpath at Harry’s Meadow in Jacobs Well and tree-planting requests.
To mark the platinum jubilee, the parish council has donated books to local schools.
Roger Bower with his new food recycling bin (right) with his old one too.
Worplesdon resident Roger Bower was delighted with a new Guildford Borough Council food recycling bin, delivered to his door by the clerk of Worplesdon Parish Council, Gaynor White.
Flood forum site meeting
One of the sites at Perry Hill showing past flooding.
Parish councillors, its clerks, groundsman, representatives from Surrey County Council highways department and Guildford MP Angela Richardson, made a site visit to look at an area of Perry Hill prone to flooding.
The area is known as St Mary’s Gardens at Perry Hill.
The flood forum inspection under way.
Whitmoor Common Residents’ Association’s annual meeting
Topics at the meeting, held at Worplesdon Memorial Hall, included: its chairman Paul Ryjbrook speaking about the properties on the common holding rights, and the recent death of long-standing member Roy Phelham, the summary of future activities and costing for first-aid courses and chainsaw use for volunteers.
Picture from the Whitmoor Common Residents’ Associations’s annual meeting.
Adam Bolton from Surrey Wildlife Trust (that looks after the common on behalf of Surrey County Council) spoke about the importance of the bare ground clearing for bees and wasps. The gorse removal for improvement of fire breaks and the effects on the recent Ash Rangers fires and how important it is to follow information displayed not to have barbecues on the common.
He also spoke about the new trial of no-fence grazing of cattle at Wisley Common that could be introduced to Whitmoor Common.
The cattle effectively wear a collar linked to GPS and receive an audio signal if they go to the boundary.
Adam spoke about the benefits to the cattle, how the cattle can be tracked at all times as to where they are, water locations and levels of activity responding immediately to welfare needs.
Building work progressing at Rokers
Animals feeds and tack country store, Rokers at Fairlands, remained open during the extended jubilee holiday weekend.
The new animal feed retail building takes shape.
Work is progressing on its new animal feed retail building, which is on the site of the foemer children’s play area. The newly built children’s play area is on the area of the former golf driving range site.
Road for new homes named
The name of the road for homes being built at Broadacres facing Broad Street will be Langford Close.
The new homes at Langford Close.
It is named in memory of a solider from Worplesdon who died on active service during the First World War.
Events at Jacobs Well Social Club
Saturday, June 18, features singer Paul Gillies, as well as bingo; and on Saturday, June 25, there will be a race night.
Tennis club’s open day
Worplesdon Tennis Club has an open day on Saturday, July 2. See poster below.
Wood Street Village Show and and jazz festival.
The show is on Saturday, July 16, that includes a car boot sale with set up from 11am. The show starts at noon and ends at 5pm.
Sunday, July 17, from 12.30pm to 5pm, sees the annual jazz festival raising funds for children’s activities charity Challengers.
Catering will be by the Shahin Tandoori Restaurant on Woodbridge Hill, donating profits to the charity and Worplesdon Parish Council has also made a “generous donation” too.
Yoga and cake evening
There will be a yoga and cake evening on Friday, June 17, from 7.30pm to 9pm at St Alban’s Church hall, Wood Street Village.
All proceeds from the £12 ticket price goes to the Diabetes Research And Wellness Foundation. Katie Boots Yoga and Fitness will offer a “slow-flow” session suitable for all with guided relaxation and live music.
Fairlands news
Forthcoming entertainment in the bar at Fairlands Community Centre includes: bingo, quiz nights and music.
Open on Fridays from 4pm to 11pm, Saturdays 7.30pm to 11pm, and Sundays noon to 4pm.
It is run by a small group of volunteers for the community. More volunteers always welcome. For details send an email to amanda.lii@hotmail.co.uk or phone 07906 502442.
The annual meeting of the Fairlands, Gravetts Lane and Liddington Hall Community Association is on Monday, July 25, at 8pm in the hall.
This coming Friday, June 17, Merrist Wood College hosts a community engagement morning, with the official opening of Age UK Surrey’s men in sheds project.
It offers men the opportunity to meet and make new friends, learn new woodworking skills, all benefiting health, wellbeing and to reduce isolation.
Click here to find out more and how to book to attend.
Councillors from the parish council will be meeting with Fairlands residents on Monday, June 20, at 7.15pm on the playing field to discuss repeated damage by vehicles and to proposed solutions.
Church news
Both St Mary’s at Perry Hill and St Alban’s at Wood Street Village have services at 10.30am on Sundays.
St Alban’s holiday club for reception class children to Year 6 will be from Tuesday to Friday, July 26 to 29, 10am to 2pm, and on Sunday, July 31 from 10.30am. For details send an email to: children@worplesdonparish.com
The next village lunch is on Tuesday, June 21, at 12.30pm, at St Alban’s. Phone 01483 233091, to book.
Wiring up the new lighting at St Mary’s Church.
New lighting at St Mary’s was installed just in time for the beacon lighting which lights the pathway from the lynch gate to the church.
Heath week on Whitmoor Common
A heath week takes place from Monday to Sunday, July 25 to 31.
The topic will be herbivores, and activities will take place on the common at the Salt Box Road car park entrance at 11am, noon and 1pm. All free and especially for families with school-age children.
Goslings are growing, but not so good for ducks
Geese with their goslings at Rokers.
These goslings at Rokers are doing well.
The duck eegs before crows attacked them.
Unfortunately, nature is not all safe and cuddly as one Worplesdon resident had ducks nesting in their front garden and was hoping the eight eggs would hatch. Despite being looked over by the person and the mother duck, crows attacked and, sadly, they did not hatch.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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