Jan Messinger with her round up of news from the parish of Worplesdon
Celebrating May Day
May day was celebrated on Saturday, May 4 on Wood Street Village green with traditional Maypole dancing.
Maypole dancing on Wood Street Village green.
They will also dance on Saturday, July 20, at the Wood Street Village Horticultural Show; and on September 28 and they will hold a charity Macmillan coffee morning.
The annual plant sale also took place on May 4.
Preparations are well under way for the annual horticultural show. In the evening there will be band playing in the marquee.
Sunday, July 21, is the Challengers Charity Jazz festival on the green.
News from the parish council
Worplesdon Parish Council’s minutes of its latest meeting include that Guildford Borough Councillors for Worplesdon have seen a presentation for the application for a solar farm at Blackwell Farm.
Worplesdon’s Surrey County Councillor Keith Witham has asked the county council’s highways department to conduct a traffic survey at 10 locations on Fairlands estate.
He asks the survey is not undertaken during school holidays. Mr Witham has also requested a zebra crossing is installed at Holly Lane, by the entrance to Merrist Wood College.
The parish council has obtained, from speed recorders’ data, a number of locations of speeding traffic. This includes along the straight stretch of Broad Street, on Aldershot Road near the entrance to Hunt’s Farm, Salt Box Road, Holly Lane, Jacobs Well Road, Clay Lane and Frog Grove Lane.
The parish council will lobby Surrey County Council and Surrey Police to see what both may propose to resolve speeding traffic.
The nominations for its chair and vice-chair for the year 2024-25 are for Cllrs Mitchell and Adam, who are both currently in post.
They will be appointed at the annual meeting on Thursday, May 16, along with the election of councillors to committees and the appointment of parish representatives.
Twenty-one financial matters will be discussed, along with plans submitted by Merrist Wood Golf Club to Surrey County Council, and a further 10 further planning applications. One of these is a proposal to build a three-storey care home close to the current Worplesdon View and Silver Birch care homes at Pitch Place.
There are vacancies for those who may consider becoming a parish councillor. Details on its website www.worplesdon-pc.gov.uk
Picture from the meeting with owners of Merrist Wood Golf Club.
The parish clerk, Gaynor White, and the assistant clerk, Victoria Fear, along with Guildford MP Angela Richardson, and local borough and county council councillors, have met with the owners of Merrist Wood Golf Club, over is plans to remodel the golf course.
They asked questions based on residents’ concerns over increased traffic if the plan gets the go-ahead. The owners will be responding to the questions put to them.
The young trees on Perry Hill green.
The trees the parish council have planted on Perry Hill green are growing well.
Road matters
Damage to the A322 / Salt Box Road roundabout.
Yet again the roundabout at the junction of the A322 Worplesdon Road and Salt Box Road has been hit by a vehicle!
It has been noted that, although roadside verges may have been a cut by Surrey County Council, a road sign along Salt Box Road is partially obscured by vegetation.
Partially obscured road sign.
Blame the crows
Don’t always jump to the wrong conclusion when you see litter. Crows actually did this!
Litter from the bin opposite the entrance to Merrist Wood College, Holly Lane.
However, this bin, opposite the entrance to Merrist Wood College, was full. Guildford Borough Council was informed and the rubbish was quickly cleared up.
Pavements get a make over
Pavements at Jacobs Well have had a makeover. However, some locals would like further pavement repairs citing access for disabled people can be difficult.
Pavement repairs Stringers Avenue, Jacobs Well.
Rector’s farewell
The Rector of Worplesdon, the Revd Alex Russel, has had a round of goodbyes at schools and care homes after eight years in the parish serving St Mary’s and St Alban’s Churches.
Worplesdon View care home saying farewell to the Revd Alex Jones.
She conducted her last service on Sunday, May 12, and leaves for a new role in London.
Water-logged pitch stops play
Wood Street Cricket Club had to suspend training due to water-logged pitch.
Fertiliser being added to the cricket pitch.
However, the grass has also had fertiliser added recently.
The club’s senior league season started on May 4 for both sides.
Group litter-pick coming up
Wood Street Villages’ next litter pick is on Saturday, May 18.
All welcome, meet outside St Alban’s Church at 3pm. Equipment will be provided and a free drink at the Royal Oak pub after. Email alijohnson345@gmail.com for more details.
Parish lunch and Elvis night
The next parish lunch for seniors is at St Alban’s Church Hall on May 31. The two-course lunch is £5.
Don’t forget the Elvis night at the Royal Oak pub at Wood Street Village on June 15.
News from the Sime Gallery
The Sime Gallery will welcome adults to its Talk and Draw event on Sunday afternoon, June 2.
The welcome and introductory talk will be given by Mary Broughton about the work of Sidney Sime.
Cost is £15 to include materials and light refreshments.
To book, send an email to enquiries@sidneysimegallery.org.uk
The gallery will be entering the Guildford in Bloom competition for the second year in conjunction with children from Worplesdon Pre school.
A new notice board has been put up.
Illustrations by Sidney Sime.
And a small private exhibition of Sime’s art has uncovered the existence of a book with two more of his drawings, which the gallery trustees were unaware of.
Good season for football club
Worplesdon Phoenix Football Club reports it had a good season and former players who are now supporters watch in all weathers.
They are Terry Cater, Dave Smith, John Smith and Joe Nixon.
Loyal supporters of the football club.
Water leak reappears
The water leak at Rickford has reappeared.
The water leak has resumed on the A322 at Rickford.
There had been temporary traffic lights on the A322 while initial repairs were undertaken.
Award for hotel group
The Asperion hotels group has been given the AA The Rosette Award for culinary excellence.
Plate presented to the Asperion hotel at Perry Hill.
Its boutique hotel is at Perry Hill and is a recommended place to eat or stay with plenty of parking.
Strength and mobility classes
Fairlands Community Centre is the venue for a new group offering strength and mobility class for people aged 65-plus.
It takes place from Monday, June 3.
British Heart Foundation fundraising sale
A sale in aid of the British Heart Foundation takes place on Thursday afternoon, May 16 at 46 Brooke Forest, Fairlands.
Multiple garage sale
Residents of Liddington Hall Drive are having a multiple garage sale on Sunday afternoon, May 19.
Fun for the young in half term
Dynamic Performing Arts has a half term Aladdin-themed workshop.
Seniors afternoons at Fairlands Community Centre
Guest speakers talking on a range of topics are at the monthly free seniors afternoon teas being held on the first Wednesday of the month. Next one will be Wednesday, June 5.
GP Surgery group public meeting
The Fairlands Patient Participation Group is holding a public meeting on Friday, May 24, at 8pm at Fairlands Community Centre.
For more details email the chairman of the group Richard Broughton at fppg@icloud.com
Plant sale in Jacobs Well
Jacobs Well Gardening Club’s annual plant sale will be at Jacobs Well Village Hall on Saturday, May 18, from 10am to noon.
A variety of plants will be available with a few other items for sale. Children are very welcome as there will be a “pot up a sunflower” activity to take away and grow.
Bluebells delight
You only need a little bit of woodland for the bluebells to grow.
Bluebells at St Mary’s churchyard and at Rickford.
They always look stunning in St Mary’s churchyard and under trees at Rickford.
Let’s hope now that we have had a few days of sunshine, summer is on its way.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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