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The Worplesdon Witness October 2024

Published on: 13 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 13 Oct, 2024

Jan Messinger with her round up of news from the parish of Worplesdon

Macmillan coffee mornings

Two Macmillan coffee mornings were held in Wood Street Village on Saturday, September 28.

Maypole dancing for Macmillan cancer support.

There was maypole dancing on the green that raised £600 for the cancer support charity.

Cakes for sale at the Macmillan coffee morning.

Two previous May queens came out of retirement to take part in the dancing.

Cheesman brothers, fruit and vegetable suppliers, event raised £1,000, that included a visit by the Mayor Guildford, Sallie Barker.

News from the parish council

At its meeting on September 16, the death of its former chairman, Dr Paul Cragg, was announced followed by a two-minute silence.

Paul was chairman from 2012-2022 and served for 15 years as a councillor until his passing.

He was also vice-president of The Surrey Association of Local Councils.

Dr Paul Cragg (third from left) pictured with Cllr Nigel Mitchell, parish clerk Gaynor White and Cllr Bob McShee, on the occasion this year celebrating Gaynor’s 25 years as clerk.

There are now three vacancies for parish councillors. To find out more contact the clerk Gaynor White at

The next full council meeting is Thursday, October 31, at 7.30pm.

The meeting on September 19 was attended by the Mayor of Guildford, Sallie Barker.

Items discussed at this meeting included final negotiations for the Site of Alternative Green Space in Wood Street Village, and a bridge to the allotment gardens from Harry’s Meadow in Jacobs Well.

Six planning applications were scrutinised, A4 holders for leaflets for outdoor use for parish newsletters, preparations for the Christmas tree and lights, four parking spaces at the recreation ground at Jacobs Well at a cost of £20,000.

There will be services of remembrance and wreath laying across the parish on Remembrance Sunday, November 10 and Armistice Day, November 11.

One of the new interpretation boards in Jacobs Well.

The parish council has installed new interpretation boards in Jacobs Well by Harry’s Meadow, the Moat House pond and the recreation ground.

Parish groundsman Andy had made a memorial bench look stunning again at Wood Street Village green, only for a vehicle to crash into it.

The wrecked bench.

A spokesperson for the council said that no one would expect in one day the damage caused and cost involved.

Parish churches round-up

St Mary’s at Perry Hill enjoys a peel of eight bells, while St Alban’s at Wood Street Village has one bell.

The bell-ringing team.

Bell-ringing practice is on Wednesday mornings.

It’s a most beautiful sound at St Mary’s. You can sit and enjoy it while in the churchyard, perhaps on your dog walk through to Whitmoor Common.

The church is also open daily.

The harvest festival lunch.

Harvest festival was celebrated on October 6 with a united service at St Alban’s Church, followed by a soup and apple pie lunch in the hall.

£150 was raised for the new toilets at St Mary’s Church and harvest gifts were donated to the North Guildford Food Bank.

Guildford in Bloom competition winners

The Sime Gallery at Worplesdon Memorial Hall won a silver award in this year’s Guildford in Bloom competition, in the Best Neighbourhood project category.

Worplesdon Primary School won gold in Best School in Bloom and Best Garden for wildlife category.

There was a gold award for Homestead Flowers of Wood Street Village.

What’s on at the pubs

On November 5, the Jolly Farmer, Burdenshott Road, has live music with Damerson Sax and an “explosive” three-course meal and a fireworks display.

Sunday roasts at the Royal Oak at Wood Street Village are £6.95 for seniors and children.

Worplesdon Place’s festive menu is available from Tuesday November 19.

The White Hart, Wood Street Village, is advertising its Christmas menu.

On-demand bus service

The on-demand electric mini buses, run by Surrey County Council, serve  Normandy, Pirbright, Fox Corner, Fairlands, Jacobs Well, Perry Hill, and Wood Street Village.

Click here for Surrey Connect buses’ website.

Poor turn our for community association’s annual meeting

Just 25 people attended the annual meeting of the Fairlands, Liddington Hall and Gravetts Lane Community Association, two of those being Worplesdon parish councillors.

In its quest to build a new community centre it was announced that, having researched and spoken at length with Your Fund Surrey, applicants must be able to secure 50% of the funds for proposed projects from other sources, and this would be in the region of £1.25 million.

Its initial application has now been withdrawn from the Your Fund Surrey scheme.

The association will now commission a full structural survey of the existing building to make it more energy efficient as well as possible extensions or repurposing.

It is grateful to Worplesdon Parish Council for the £10,000 given towards investigating the Your Fund Surrey grant. It was agreed to repurpose this grant towards the cost of carrying out the survey and further works.

Forthcoming events in the bar at the community centre include bingo on Thursdays, October 17 and 31, live music form Nick of Time on Saturday, October 19, and on Saturday, November 2, there will be live music from the Decades.

There will be a fashion show on Friday, October 18, from 7pm. Tickets available, cash or card, on the night.

Milestone birthday celebrations

Margaret Mitchell from Fairlands, who has lived there since 1977, has celebrated her 100th birthday.

Worplesdon View care home resident Sheila has celebrated her 101st birthday.

It’s panto time!

Fairlands players’ panto Rapunzel will be performed from Thursday to Saturday, November 28 to 30.

Click here to book tickets.

Half Term Spooktacular

Dynamic Performing Arts will be presenting its Half Term Spooktacular at Worplesdon Memorial Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 29 and 30.

Book via its website for dancing, acting, singing, arts and crafts as well as a trick or treat treasure hunt.

Sime Gallery update

The Sime Gallery’s second major exhibition of 2024 is now showing at the Heath Robinson Museum, Pinner.

The private opening at the Heath Robinson Museum.

A private opening to the exhibition took place on Thursday, October 10, attended by seven representatives from the Sime Gallery along with friends of the Heath Robinson Museum.

Guildford resident Geoffrey Beare, who is curator at the Heath Robinson Museum, has been fundamental in arranging the exhibition.

The gallery at Worplesdon Memorial Hall, is open Wednesday and Sunday afternoons and has new artwork by Sidney Sime on display.

The Chris Ewbank’s Annual Memorial lecture is on Sunday, November 17, at St Mary’s Church, at 3pm.

Ticket details on the gallery’s website.

There will be children’s Hallowe’en art activity on Wednesday afternoon, October 30.

Cricket club’s awards evening

Wood Street Village Cricket Club held its annual awards evening with beer and fantastic food!

Club man of the year is David Hart, fielder of the year is Rory Leach, and the most improved player is Finley Williams.

The Steve Wright Award 1st XI player of the year is Sam Tester, as well as batsman of the year, and bowler of the year is O’Neill Van Der Berg.

The 2nd XI players’ sportsman of the year is Rory Leach, Bowler of the year is Sanoj Thomas and batsman of the year is Kevin Mansell.

Sunday XI players’ sportsman of the year is Sanoj Thomas, bowler of the year Marc Suller, and batsman of the year Nishad Shamnadh.

Midweek Xi players’ sportsman of the year is Hamish Chudley.

Hallowe’en themed postbox topper

Wood Street Village post office has a Hallowe’en themed knitted postbox topper.

The knitted postbox topper.

Events for Hallowe’en

School tours for prospective parents

Wood Street Infant School has new parent tours on November 6, 11, 20 and 28, and on December 2.

Worplesdon Primary School and The Haven is lining up 12 dates. For details phone 01483 232126, or click here for website.

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