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Thieves Break Into School Grounds And Steal Cabling From Building Site

Published on: 19 Sep, 2013
Updated on: 19 Sep, 2013

Thieves have stole cabling and copper piping from a building site at a school in Aldershot Road, Guildford.

Thieves have taken cabling and copper piping from the building site at St Jospeh's Catholic Primary School.

Thieves have taken valuable cabling and copper piping from the building site at St Jospeh’s Catholic Primary School.

The break-in happened sometime between 5pm on Tuesday, (September 17) and 7.20am on Wednesday morning at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School.

Police offers say that it appears the thieves entered the school grounds, broke into a shipping container and then made off with a quantity of high value cabling and copper piping.

PC Tina Stewartson said: “The offenders have gone to a lot of effort to steal these items and we are sure that someone must have heard or seen something around the time of the offence. If you can help us please call officers at Surrey Police on 101.

“I would also like to appeal to anyone in the scrap metal business. If you have been offered any cabling or piping for sale recently in suspicious circumstances please call Surrey Police.”

Anyone with information is asked to phone Surrey Police on 101 quoting reference GD/13/8008. Alternatively the independent charity Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 111 555.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is having a new three-story building erected, that will form a new wing of the school. When finished, other older parts of the school will be demolished.

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