Fringe Box



Three Injured in Fight in Stoke Road After England’s Euro Football Match

Published on: 12 Jun, 2016
Updated on: 12 Jun, 2016

Three people were injured during a fight in Stoke Road, Guildford, following last night’s (Satuday, June 11) England verses Russia football match in France.

The Stoke pub in Stoke Road. The fight took place near it and the adjacent  Kings Head pub.

The Stoke pub in Stoke Road. The fight took place near it and the adjacent Kings Head pub.

Police officers were called to Stoke Road around 11pm, following reports of a fight involving a large group of people, in which bottles and glasses were thrown.

It broke out near the Kings Head and the Stoke pubs shortly after the conclusion of the Euro international championship football match.

Those injured were treated for cuts and bruises and Surrey Police are appealing for witnesses.

A 26-year-old man from the Leatherhead area was arrested on suspicion of assault and is still in custody.

Detective Sergeant Dave Bentley, who is investigating the incident, said: “This was an unpleasant incident involving a large group of people. A number of people were injured as a result of a number of bottles and glasses being thrown and there was also a considerable amount of damage caused.

“We are carrying out a large number of enquiries in order to establish the circumstances surrounding the incident and we are determined to identify all those who were involved to ensure they are brought to justice and demonstrate our commitment to keeping our local communities safe.”

Witnesses are asked to contact Surrey Police on 101, quoting crime reference 45160049479 or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Alternatively you can report offences online at

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Responses to Three Injured in Fight in Stoke Road After England’s Euro Football Match

  1. David Pillinger Reply

    June 13, 2016 at 2:55 pm

    I hope we don’t return to those bad old days when a generation were put off the beautiful sport because of the sectarian violence of the few.

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