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To Tweet Or Not To Tweet That Is The Question

Published on: 28 Feb, 2015
Updated on: 28 Feb, 2015

Dani Maimone spills the beans on social media summit taking place on March 5 in Guildford.

Many small business owners undervalue the use of social media regarding it with some suspicion as purely a self – promotional tool for celebrities or a communication platform for teenagers.

Social media is here to stay and is an excellent and cost effective way to promote your business and best of all it’s free! It’s never been easier to get your brand out there, promote your products and engage directly with your customers. Ignore it at your peril!

Nicky Kriel

Nicky Kriel. Picture by Andy of Image by Red photography.

Someone who would agree with me is social media guru and author of How to Twitter for Business Success, Nicky Kriel. Her Spilling the Beans on Social Media Summit, is a one-day event that takes place on Thursday, March 5, at Guildford’s Mandolay Hotel.

The world of social media can seem confusing at first and knowing which platform to start with can be mind boggling, especially if you are not very techno savvy.  Should you go for Twitter or Facebook, YouTube or Instagram? What’s Google Plus and is Pinterest where you should be?

Nicky aims to demystify the use of social media and point you in the right direction.

She said: “Following on from our last successful event two years ago we wanted to address new issues and share advice about the ever changing world that is social media. We have a selection of excellent workshops and great speakers giving very important tips and advice.”

Speakers include; best selling author of small business marketing books, Dee Blick, the founder of Ecademy, the UK’s first social network for business; Thomas Power, lecturer in entrepreneurship at Henley Business School; Stuart Morris; and of course Nicky herself who is also an NLP practioner, social media coach and trainer.

Workshops will cover everything from blogging, to finding customers on Twitter and how to manage your social media, something that many people often find a little daunting. A common concern about social media is that it takes too long and that in todays busy world small businesses simply don’t have the time to do it. Nicky demonstrates how to overcome this issue and provides you with solutions.

The range of workshops include:

The quickest way to get a customer: Using Twitter to find the right people to talk to – by Alan Donegan from Pop-up Business School

Use your smartphone effectively to manage your social media (and limit the noise) by Rob Williams from The Carphone Company

Top tips on writing and marketing a non-fiction bestseller by Dee Blick

10 top tips to get the best ROI from your blog by Andy Britnell from See a Man about a Blog

Supercharge your YouTube presence by Chris Towndrow of London Corporate Media

Quick & Simple SEO tips for your business by Dan Richardson of NotJustSEO

How to use Instagram to create real business sales by Nicky Kriel Social Media

How to use Tools to make Social Media more manageable by Thomas Power

The Summit is sponsored by London Corporate Media, Surrey Chambers of Commerce and ZuuMedia.

The cost of attending – including refreshments, lunch, workshops and handout material – is £195.

If you book before Monday, March 2, using the code Dragon50 you will get a £50 discount off the standard ticket price and be able to attend for just £145.  You can book via the website on or call 01483 322 033 or Nicky Kriel directly on 07828 465 281 or email

Click here for a link on You Tube of Nicky’s previous summit.

Click here for Dani Maimone’s interview with Nicky on Brooklands Radio.

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