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Two Museums With Exhibitions Worth Visiting

Published on: 4 Oct, 2020
Updated on: 7 Oct, 2020

Guildford Museum has a new exhibition, while Send & Ripley History Society’s Museum has reopened with visitors by appointment.

Town Take Over it the title of the exhibition at the Guildford Borough Councll-run museum in Quarry Street and focuses on a selection of objects from its collection that connect the town as it was with the town today.

Posters of objects in the exhibition are being displayed around the town centre, inviting people to discover things they may not have known.

Each poster has a QR code to scan with a smartphone to reveal information about the site and its object.

Bluecoat School uniform.

Items featured include the type of uniform worn by boys attending the Bluecoat School at Holy Trinity Church in the 18th century.

And a banknote issued by William Haydon’s bank in the High Street. It is now the Guildford branch of Lloyds Bank.

Banknote from William Haydon’s Bank.

The stories can also be found on a page within Guildford Borough Council’s website.

A press release from Guildford Borough Council included the following information: All of the ground floor displays at the museum are currently open including the Prehistoric and Roman Surrey gallery, the Saxon and Medieval displays.

There are plans to open the Trade and Industry Gallery along with the Needlework Display on the first floor later in October.

The museum is open Wednesday to Saturday noon to 4.30pm. Last entry is 4pm and entry is free.

A number of measures to ensure the safety of both visitors and staff have been put in place A maximum of 12 visitors are allowed in the museum at any one time. There are 2m social distancing measures along with a one-way system around the museum, marked by arrows on the floor advising visitors to keep 2m apart except for people within your own household.

Hand sanitiser points are in place and all visitors entering the museum are asked to sanitise their hands upon arrival. Visitors other than children under 11 and those exempt for physical, mental health or disability reasons are asked to wear a face covering while in the museum.

Send & Ripley History Society re-opened its museum off Ripley High Street in September.

Volunteer Claire McCann said: “We are slowly reopening our little museum with an appropriately titled exhibition Plagues and Pandemics.

“We are opening by appointment only for one family group at a time to allow for cleaning. The village hall car park remains closed but I do have a key to open it for visitors. Please call me on 01483 725846.”

Plagues and Pandemics is the title of the exhibition at Send & Ripley History Society’s museum in Ripley. Click to enlarge in a new window.

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