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Up for Sale – Land Set Aside for New Ash Health Centre

Published on: 4 Jun, 2023
Updated on: 4 Jun, 2023

The site originally allocated for a new health centre.

By David Reading

The land initially earmarked for a new primary care health centre in Ash has been put on the market by Bewley Homes, the company building the 481-home estate south of Ash Lodge Drive.

Bewley had allocated land for a new surgery within the estate as part of a Section 106 legal agreement with Guildford Borough Council, a system that requires developers to secure compensatory benefits for the area where they are building.

But Bewley says it has exhausted all efforts to ensure that the land is put to its proposed use as a GPs’ surgery, and has instructed Colliers, the commercial property agents, to market the land for sale for an alternative healthcare use.

Google map extract showing position of allocated site

The problem became clear in June 2022 when the NHS’s Frimley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said it had no plans for a new primary care health centre in Ash, despite the fact that Bewley had set aside land for this purpose.

The health centre was intended to address the growing population in Ash triggered by the current housing boom.

At that time a CCG spokesperson said: “We’re working with the local group of GP practices (the Primary Care Network) to ensure there is enough capacity to meet the growing demand. While we are working on some improvements and expansions, the solution will not lie in individual changes to practices but to a network-wide approach involving the whole primary care community.”

The CCG has been asked on several occasions to provide details of what these improvements entail, but has not yet replied.

Colliers say on their website that the land is an “allocated site suitable for a variety of healthcare uses within the wider development.” It is being sold freehold with vacant possession.

Bewley said there were two potential buyers but would not elaborate on what kind of healthcare they provided.

A GBC statement said: We understand that Bewley Homes is looking into another healthcare provider for the site as the NHS has no plans for a new primary care health centre in Ash. They are marketing the site through Colliers for health care use, which is the first preference set out in the legal agreement. The marketing is expected to last until the end of June. We will meet Bewley Homes in early July to discuss the result of the marketing and agree the next steps.”

A key question remains unanswered. Assuming money will change hands for the land sale, where will that money go?

The money will not go to us, GBC said. Asked where it would go, a statement said: “I’m afraid we don’t know. Probably best to ask Bewley, if they are the landowner.”

Bewley described itself as is a “facilitator” for the land as part of the Section 106 agreement and said it would receive no money from the sale.

A representative said: “As I understand it, no one pays or receives any money for the land. It’s all part of the S106 agreement.”

But on their website, the agents, Colliers, say the land is “for sale” and “offers are invited”.





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Responses to Up for Sale – Land Set Aside for New Ash Health Centre

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    June 4, 2023 at 7:45 pm

    The land should be saved for community use only. It’s a great shame Ash parish don’t have a Neighbourhood Plan, it could have secured specific community uses.

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    June 5, 2023 at 10:26 am

    Typical of developers to promise health facilities, which they know they have no power to deliver, when applying for planning permissions. This should be a lesson for those believing the promises for similar facilities at Wisley.

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