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Car Windows Smashed Across Guildford in Vandalism Spree

Published on: 11 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 12 Jun, 2017

One of the damaged vehicles in Gardner Road, a camper van with its rear window smashed. Photo: Mandy Millyard

Car owners across Guildford awoke to find their vehicles damaged yesterday morning (June 11, 2017) in what appears to have been an extensive spree of vandalism.

The vehicles were attacked in the early hours of Sunday and it is suspected that some of the windows were smashed with stones fired from a catapult, perhaps from a passing car.

A resident from Stoughton said: “Our window smashed by a rock on the early hours of the 11th, on Byrefield Road.”

First reports of damaged cars came from Gardner Road, off Woodbridge Road, near the town centre, but it soon became clear it was is just one part of a wider Guildford-wide incident.

Dragon NEWS reader David Middleton wrote a letter to report incidents in the Stoughton area and this was followed by others in Burpham and Onslow Village.

Unlike the other examples seen, so far, this car in Burpham had its windscreen smashed.

Sarahjane Beard, a Burpham resident, wrote in to say: “There have been more incidents of this vandalism happening in Burpham Gosden Hill Estate.

“I came home at 12:30am to grab something before an outing and returned at 1:50am to see the mess of two of our car windscreens smashed, so it’s obvious it would have occurred between these times.

A Peugeot estate with its rear window completely smashed in Burpham

“We must have been one of the first to realise this vandalism and called the police at about 2.15am.  In this area of Guildford, (Burpham) I have heard of at least 12+ car windows smashed.

Gardner Road where the first reports of the incident came from,  is a quiet cul-de-sac off Woodbridge Road opposite the cricket ground. It is constantly lined with parked cars. Photo: Mandy Millyard

The vandals struck in Gardner Road off Woodbridge Road, it is believed, around 3am when one resident heard noises. At least five cars had windows smashed in the Guildford cul-de-sac.

The cars seem to have been selected at random and no motive other than vandalism has been identified by the owners.

On this car the driver’s window had been smashed…

The incident has been reported to Surrey Police but it was uncertain if officers would attend.

…and on this car it was the rear window.

Local councillor for the area, Caroline Reeves (Lib Dem, Friary & St Nicolas) said: “This sort of mindless vandalism is totally unacceptable in what is a quiet, safe community.

“There has been an increase in this sort of behaviour over the last six months and I urge any residents to report incidents like this to the police.

“Without evidence of the increase in what is, basically, criminal antisocial behaviour we have no way of asking for additional help and support for communities.”

Do you know of other similar incidents? If so please email, with images if possible:

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Responses to Car Windows Smashed Across Guildford in Vandalism Spree

  1. Amy McMillan Reply

    June 11, 2017 at 5:51 pm

    Saw your article and thought I’d let you know that I saw a car, a red estate, with its rear window smashed in, opposite Queen Eleanor’s school this morning.

    Looked very similar damage to the published photos of the passenger window.

    I’m afraid I was driving so couldn’t get a pic.

  2. Kathryn Gilbert Reply

    June 11, 2017 at 6:54 pm

    At least four vehicles damaged in Onslow Village last night.

  3. Mary Brown Reply

    June 11, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    Also a car rear window broken on Stoughton Road.

  4. Jim Allen Reply

    June 12, 2017 at 9:10 am

    As reported, Burpham was one the areas ‘hit’ with ten cars damaged in Gosden Hill Road and Great Oaks. It looks like a time line needs generating and then perhaps parents asked in the area of the last ‘attack’ when their ‘children’ arrived home as it looks like the action of children, not real grown-ups.

  5. T Foster Reply

    June 12, 2017 at 9:28 am

    My sisters car was also smashed in Old Woking along with at least one other car.

  6. John Trigg Reply

    June 12, 2017 at 10:17 am

    Several cars had their windows smashed in Poltimore Road [Onslow Village] as well, including my daughter’s.

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