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Volunteers Needed For New Repair Café

Published on: 18 Oct, 2014
Updated on: 18 Oct, 2014

Have you got a skill you’d like to share and some time on your hands?  Why not volunteer to help out at a new local project – The Repair Café? Borough Council is planning to set up the ‘café’ to encourage people to repair things rather than throwing them away. The idea is that people will drop in with clothing, furniture, bikes or electrical equipment, for example, and will learn to fix them with the help of local volunteers.

Councillor Matt Furniss, lead councillor for transport, infrastructure and environment, said: “The idea would have many benefits. Residents would learn new skills so they can repair things themselves. It would cut down carbon emissions and rubbish going to landfill. It would also help to build community spirit.”

GBC LogoSo if you are an electrician, seamstress, carpenter or general handy person and would like to volunteer your time please contact the climate change team at Guildford Borough Council.

Email: or call 01483 444509.

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