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Volunteers Urgently Needed To Help Out At Guildford Pancake Races

Published on: 25 Feb, 2019
Updated on: 25 Feb, 2019

Teams have signed up to take part, prizes have been donated and the mascots are ready – but the organisers of Guildford’s annual Pancake Races are appealing for more people to come forward to help make sure the event runs smoothly.

They are taking place next week on Shrove Tuesday, March 5 in Guildford High Street.

The fundraising event is organised by the Charlotteville Jubilee Trust, and its general manager, John Redpath, says the lack of volunteers is making the “situation critical”.

He said: “For the first time in 14 years we have a severe shortage of volunteers for the Pancake Races.

If you can make it or know someone who might be able to help between 10.30am and 12.30pm, please get in contact.”

Call John on 01483 598420, mobile 07774 644779, or email him at

There will be a number of school races and every child taking part will win a prize donated by Biddles of Guildford in Ward Street.

Prizes for adults include a family ticket to Wings & Wheels at Dunsfold, two family tickets to Bocketts Farm and a meal for two at Chilli Pickle.

This year the event will be raising money for Guildford Young Carers.

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