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Your Vote Will Help School In Final To Win Special £80k Classroom

Published on: 2 Apr, 2014
Updated on: 2 Apr, 2014

Kings College in Southway, Guildford, has been named as a finalist in a national competition for an £80,000 classroom, but is asking people to vote for it so it has a chance of winning.

Pictured with pupils at Kings College, from left: principal Kate Carriet; the vic-chairman of governors, county councillor Fiona White; and Guildford MP Anne Milton.

Pictured with pupils at Kings College, from left: principal Kate Carriett; the vice-chairman of governors, county councillor Fiona White; and Guildford MP Anne Milton.

It was selected from nearly 400 schools that entered the competition in the education magazine TES and will battle against five other schools in a public vote to win a bespoke Clearspace Education classroom.

The eventual winner of the £80,000 building will be decided by a public vote.  To vote,  visit

Voting closes on April 27 and the winner will be announced on May 8.  If you would like more information about the competition, visit or

To enter, schools simply had to explain, in no more than 300 words, why they deserved to win a new learning space.  The judges were impressed with the Kings College’s plan to use the permanent modular building as a facility in which to teach vocational skills that would normally be only accessible off-site.

Guildford’s MP Anne Milton said: “This is fantastic news for Kings College and fantastic news for Guildford! Well done Kings College! It only takes a few minutes to vote.”

The principal of Kings College, Kate Carriett, added: “Kings is delighted to have been shortlisted for the competition. A new building to enable a wider range of practical options would transform learning for our students.

“We want to make sure that every student, whatever their ability, is able to develop their talents and strengths and be ready for the world of work. A brick-laying and construction area to develop real workplace skills will transform the future for some of our students. Please support Kings and the next generation in our community.”

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