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Letter: Waking to the Wail of Motorbike Exhaust is a Mixed Benefit

Published on: 13 Sep, 2020
Updated on: 13 Sep, 2020

Image: BBC

From: Barry Williams

In response to: Crackdown on Noisy Drivers and Bikers Ruining Peace of Surrey’s Quiet Beauty Spots

The problem of noise pollution from motorbikes is borough- and county-wide, the wail of exhausts sometimes reverberating for many minutes after the rider has already travelled a few miles beyond a fixed point.

I like bikes, I like cars. Noisy bikes are great in the right place which is the racing track and the riders should take advantage of track days to exercise their machines and themselves and get their excitement and adrenaline buzz in that way.

Noisy exhausts have one benefit: they warn cyclists and pedestrians that a motorcyclist is arriving and is already well beyond the speed limit. Correction, make that two benefits. I forgot the rider who travels along the A 281 past Shalford Park toward Horsham at 06.10 every morning. Saves me buying an alarm clock.

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