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What Would You Do If You Saw Someone Suffer a Seizure?

Published on: 7 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 7 Jul, 2015

PrintGuildford teenagers are looking to do their bit over the summer holidays by helping out with charity campaigns.

The National Citizen Service (NCS) is open to 15-17 year olds and the activity takes place over three weeks at the start of the summer holidays.

Week one is a personal challenge involving a residential stay in a rural area with activities and the other two weeks focus on charity and campaigning. The participants come from all backgrounds in and around Guildford.

Teenagers from all over Guildford borough are participating in the National Citizens

Teenagers from all over Guildford borough are participating in the National Citizen Service

Last week (ending July 4) our team visited the Meath Epilepsy Trust in Godalming and learnt that over 600,000 people in the UK suffer from epilepsy, 87 people are diagnosed daily.

Organiser Charlie Harrison said: “With the right treatment, 70 per cent of people suffering from epilepsy are seizure free but most people are unaware that there are over 40 types of epileptic seizure, not always caused by stimulation from flashing lights.

“Following our visit we have decided to raise awareness and hopefully some money in Guildford for the Meath Trust, so on Wednesday (July 8) we are setting up a stall in on the town bridge in Guildford near Debenhams.

“It will be focused on what to do if you witness a seizure and we will educate the public in a quick and creative way.”


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