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Where Is This? No.159

Published on: 6 May, 2015
Updated on: 6 May, 2015

By David Rose

Dene Road was the location of last week’s mystery vintage photo and today the houses pictured look out on to G Live and its car park.

The Staniforth brothers wondered what was on the site before Guildford Civic Hall. It was a house called The Firs.

The quirky picture was a view of some steps viewed from the underpass beneath the gyratory system – not far from the entrance to Guildford railway station and Bridge Street / Farnham Road.

Well done to all who replied – all correct!

Which Guildford outskirts village is this, seen in about the 1930s?

Which Guildford outskirts village is this, seen in about the 1930s?

For this week’s vintage picture we go to the villages on the outskirts of Guildford once again. Taken in about the 1930s, this view may not even have changed much. Do you know where it is and what is in view?

Have you seen this chimney stack?

Have you seen this chimney stack?

The quirky picture of a ‘crooked’ chimney stack might be a bit tricky. The picture was taken from one of the town centre car parks. How’s that for a clue?

If you know the answers please leave a reply in the box below. All replies will be posted at about the same time next week, along with a new post with the answers to this week’s photos and the next pair of images.


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Responses to Where Is This? No.159

  1. Teresa Bass Reply

    May 6, 2015 at 8:50 pm

    Can’t get the old one, I’ve come up with Cranleigh, Sutton Green and all sorts and when I see the answer I know I’ll know it.

    The crooked chimney can be seen from Castle Car Park. The building on the left of the picture is the launderette on Sydenham Road.

  2. Andrew Backhurst Reply

    May 7, 2015 at 12:27 pm

    This is a picture of Ash Hill Road looking north towards Ash Wharf with Victoria Hall on the left.

    Interesting to note the lack of trees on the right of the picture, just a few scrubby bushes. Today you will find established oak trees in their place.

  3. Chris Townsend Reply

    May 9, 2015 at 3:36 pm

    I haven’t noticed the chimney stack, but I’ve walked past so many times that I recognised the Laundromat building to the left of the quirky picture – on Sydenham Road.

  4. Dave Middleton Reply

    May 10, 2015 at 5:44 pm

    The vintage picture is Ash Hill Road.

    The quirky photo is of the chimney of number 1b Sydenham Road, Guildford. Which is a little bungalow next to the Laundromat.

  5. Brian Holt Reply

    May 11, 2015 at 7:42 pm

    (1) Victoria Hall, 121 Ash Hill Road, Ash Vale.

    The hall was originally built because the parish did not have such a hall. The hall was opened on 1st June 1898, by Lord and Lady Pirbright, of Henley Park.

    They arrived at the hall at 3pm and were met by Dr Chester. At the door Mr J Payne handed Lady Pirbright a silver key in a case, she then unlocked the door, and the party entered in the hall.

    Three years after the hall was built in July 1900 a turret made of old English oak, with a weather vane and a three-faced clock, with a tubular bells for striking the hours and chiming the quarters was presented by Dr Chester to Victoria Hall in memory of his mother, Charlotte Ellen Chester, who died on the 23 October 1898.

    (2) This chimney is in Sydenham Road, when you turn left from Tunsgate into Sydenham Road it’s on the right behind the hedge between the Orlando Jewellers shop and the laundromat.

  6. Doug and Bill Staniforth Reply

    May 12, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    It’s the village of Ash, Victoria Hall (1897) is on the left. We wondered if Ash wharf is where you keep the speedboat prizes?

    The chimney stack photo is in Sydenham Road next to the laundromat.

    Do you really think we gentlemen of the press would tell you spanner monkeys where we keep ’em? Ed

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