Fringe Box



Where Is This? No.197

Published on: 18 Feb, 2016
Updated on: 18 Feb, 2016

By David Rose

A view looking down what was then a part of Deerbarn Road towards Midleton Road and the Dennis Bros factory was last week’s mystery image.

A number of readers correctly identified it along with the quirky picture, being a piece of public art called Triple Ripple by Diane Maclean, at Manor Park, near the new student residences.

Click here to see last week’s post and the replies. Lots of detail about that sculpture and also some interesting recollections from Peter Chilvers who sold copies of the The Star newspaper outside Dennis Bros’ factory gates.

Before we move on to this week’s mysteries, Dave Middleston has emailed a map of Guildford town centre from the 1960s and adds some details regarding the Where Is This? No.195 and the bus in the lower High Street.

Map from the 1960s emailed by Dave Middleton. Click to enlarge in a new window.

Map from the 1960s emailed by Dave Middleton. Click to enlarge in a new window.

He writes:”Regarding the bus coming out of the High Street by the Greyhound / George Abbot, I wondered if you might like to add this little map to the replies?

“One of the comments accused the bus driver of being on the wrong side of the road (as if a professional driver would do such a thing!), but this map from about 1960 shows the Farnham Road, High Street, Park Street, one-way system, west of the Town Bridge (the original gyratory system). It also shows the footbridge that preceded the new road bridge.

“It shows the locations of various long-gone buildings, such as the Plaza cinema, Woodbridge Road cinema, Woodbridge Road police station, The Playhouse on the High Street, the public baths on Castle Street and of course, the gas works!

“The map dates from about 1960, as on the full map, the town library is still shown up on the High Street, near to Alexandra Terrace, prior to its move to North Street in 1962.”

Do you recognise this street in Guildford town centre?

Do you recognise this street in Guildford town centre? Click to enlarge in a new window.

Here is this week’s mystery vintage picture. A town centre street with the Bear pub featured. Do you recognise it?

I think I have just about featured all of the public art there is in Guildford, but one more this time.

In fact, I’m finding it tricky to find things to fit this category. So if anyone knows of any, pleasae email a picture to me at

Although I still have a good deal of vintage pictures to share, it is interesting to note that there is now a Facebook group based on Guildford memories.

Within the things people are posting they’re adding examples of and calling for replies to the exactly same mysteries we’ve shown here over the past four or so years! As they say – “often copied, never bettered!”

Have you seen this piece of public art?

Have you seen this piece of public art? Click to enlarge in a new window.

So this is the quirky picture, and where can this piece of art be found?

If you know the answers please leave a reply in the box below. Replies will be published at about the same time next week with two more mystery pictures for you to ponder.

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Responses to Where Is This? No.197

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    February 18, 2016 at 3:12 pm

    Friary Street

  2. Ray Springer Reply

    February 18, 2016 at 3:44 pm

    This is Friary Street back in the 1960s.

    Besides the Bear pub, there were several different shops including Sharp & Dunwell shoe repairers, Wells Bros butchers, Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, Barton & Sons fishmongers, Court & Smith car repairs and garage, Stan Hardy outfitters, Tuson pawnbrokers, Fogwills corn and seed dealers, plus two architects offices, a café, a hairdressers, and two dry cleaners.

    A very busy area.

  3. Dave Middleton Reply

    February 18, 2016 at 4:01 pm

    The street scene is Friary Street, looking towards the High Street.

    I believe the Bear public house closed in the mid 1960s, but the building still exists, now occupied by the Gourmet Burger Kitchen.

    The quirky picture is the seed sculpture on Woodbridge Meadows, opposite the Royal Mail sorting office.

  4. John Lomas Reply

    February 18, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    The old picture is Friary Street looking towards High Street.

    Jackson’s Garage (also Where Is This? No. 24) is just visible beyond the van on the left of the road.

  5. Ray Springer Reply

    February 18, 2016 at 9:39 pm

    The quirky picture is in Woodbridge Meadows alongside the river.

  6. Sheila Atkinson Reply

    February 18, 2016 at 11:23 pm

    This is Friary Street. There was a dry cleaners just before the Bear pub, a bit further down was a tobacconist and Spooners the florist was near the end on the left.

    Just opposite the pub was an alley that went down to the river.

    I think there was an off licence on the right-hand side and John Colliers the tailors were down on the corner of the High Street.

    I remember going into an area on the right-hand side of the pub where beer barrels etc, were kept. There were a few seats and you could take children into that area.

  7. Les Knight Reply

    February 20, 2016 at 8:36 pm

    Friary Street looking towards the High Street.

  8. Les Knight Reply

    February 20, 2016 at 8:52 pm

    On the map of the town centre I note Hill Place.

  9. Mike Williams Reply

    February 22, 2016 at 9:33 am

    Friary Street looking south in about 1949.

    The cameraman is standing very close to Fogwills – a sweet smelling place full of sacks of corn and packets of seeds.

    Note too the Esso sign belonging to Stanley’s Garage in a tight yard backing on the river.

    Along the same side was Victor Value arguably the town’s first pile-it-high and sell-it-cheap grocers, and Hardy’s outfitters who specialised in scout/cub/brownie/guides and school uniforms (remember Banner shirts?).

    Dick Hardy was mayor in about 1967 and lived above the shop.

    Opposite him was multiple tobacconist Peter B.Harris and cleaners Achille Serre both national names long gone.

    From the Hardy’s flat (I was best friends with their son Pip) we looked down on the Saturday morning jam as cars, lorries and coaches
    (remember Windsorian?) fought their way through Guiildford.

    Before Millbrook the only way to Brighton and the south was through Friary Street, up the High Street and along Quarry Street which was still two-way.

  10. Chris Townsend Reply

    February 22, 2016 at 7:35 pm

    The Bear, parts of which had 16th century origins, was in Friary Street but was closed in the 1960s and demolished for the redevelopment of the street.

    Nothing remains of the original building, but the outline of its frontage.

    Sally Peters shop to the left, under the overhang, sold ladies’ clothes.

    Opposite Friary Street there’s a glimpse of Jackson’s Garage on the High Street, before Millbrook cut through the site about 1961.

  11. Bill and Doug Staniforth Reply

    February 23, 2016 at 4:39 pm

    Friary Street.

    The public art is on the university campus (possibly). If not it could be Berlin or China!

  12. Brian Holt Reply

    February 23, 2016 at 7:13 pm

    Friary Street, looking towards the High Street.

    The Esso sign was for Court & Smith garage, which was off the road in Steven’s Yard.

    On the right was wine shop, Sid’s Store, Perfect Cleaners, (Guildford Laundry). The latter I delivered for, for a few years.

    Then two high doors that had a smaller door in them, and behind these doors was a yard with our friend’s house on the river bank.

    Mr and Mrs Kearn lived there with their daughter Joan and son Terry.

    Terry later had the car radio shop on Woodbridge Hill, (not sure if he was the owner), now living in Farnham.

    On the left was Peter Harris tobacconist, Bartons fishmonger, The Friary Cafe, and the Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe.

    The art is in Woodbridge Meadows, and has only recently been installed. it’s between the river and the Royal mail sorting office.

  13. Margaret Cole Reply

    February 23, 2016 at 9:47 pm

    This is Friary Street probably about mid 1950s, a busy one-way street with traffic lights at the far end, left for Horsham and right for Godalming.

    The public art can be found opposite Srew Fix store in Woodbridge Meadows, titled Gold Pollen and done by Tom Smith.

  14. Mike M Reply

    September 20, 2023 at 4:00 pm

    My grandfather ran the Friary Cafe and his sisters ran the Olde Curiosity Shop.

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