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Where Is This? No.213

Published on: 8 Jun, 2016
Updated on: 8 Jun, 2016

By David Rose

The picture that was last week’s vintage once was indeed taken from the tower of St John’s Church in Stoke Road.

In view, as a number of readers pointed out, were the former power station and long gone Woodbridge House in Woodbridge Road, Guildford City’s football ground in Joseph’s Road, and the then unfinished Guildford Cathedral.

The quirky picture of a plaque with the date 1926 can be found on one of Stoke Bridges over the River Wey in Woking Road, near Stoke Mill.

Click on last week’s post to see all the replies at the foot of the page.

Where was this in Guildford town centre and what is here now? Click on image to enlarge in a new window.

Where was this in Guildford town centre and what is here now? Click on image to enlarge in a new window.

This week’s vintage picture is a rather interesting view of a motor garage that was once right in the centre of town. Courts furnishing store is to the right.

The buildings are long gone, while the road in the foregound exists, but is now a pedestrian walkway.

Any idea where this is and what its use is? Click to enlarge in a new window.

Any idea where this is and what its use is? Click to enlarge in a new window.

The quirky picture was conveniently emailed in by Bill and Doug Staniforth. A great relief, as I have mentioned previously I have been caught a bit short on a supply of quirky photos. Some say the building seen resembles a modern church, but that’s not its use.

Do you know what it is and where can it be found? It’s at a spot that’s been in the news here recently over plans for improvements that visitors will have to spend more than a penny to enjoy! Enough clues, I think.

If you know the answers to this week’s mysteries, please leave a reply in the box below – and include extra details if you have them.

They will be published along with two more mystery images at about the same time next week. Good luck.

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Responses to Where Is This? No.213

  1. Dave Middleton Reply

    June 9, 2016 at 3:37 pm

    I don’t recognise any of the building in the street scene, but from the road sign, I’m going to hazard a guess that it dates from prior to Millbrook being built and that the photographer was standing in Friary Street, looking across the bottom of the High Street, towards where the Halifax now stands.

    In those days the A281 ran along Quarry Street.

    The quirky picture is the public loos at Newlands Corner.

  2. Mike Williams Reply

    June 9, 2016 at 9:12 pm

    This is looking at Jackson’s Garage one of several enterprises run by that family, including Jackson’s Cycles in Portsmouth Road and Jacksons the Builders between Compton and Puttenham.

    Jacksons were Austin dealers and in advance of Millbrook going through these (and Courts) premises they built new premises roughly where the Piano Bar has been in Onslow Street near Bedford Road.

    The photo is from the end of Friary Street with John Collier out of frame on the right and Peter B Harris tobacconist behind on the left.

    To the left of Jackson’s and up the High Street a bit, was Eashing Farm Diary where the constant drone of electric mixers made milk shakes that were all the rage for a time.

    That black Hillman Minx might have been bought from A Gray, whose showroom was the big pine furniture store recently demolished in Woodbridge Road.

  3. John Lomas Reply

    June 10, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    The old picture shows the garage opposite Friary Street on High Street, it appears, in the 1950w, to be occupied by a company Called Charles ……..?

    It had earlier, in the 1920s, been Jacksons Motor Garage, Rover and Lagonda dealers.

    The quirky pic is almost hidden away from street view in the trees at Newlands Corner.

  4. Chris Townsend Reply

    June 11, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    That’s Jackson’s Garage and entrance to its yard, on the High Street, seen from Friary Street.

    It was demolished to make way for Millbrook.

    Before that the traffic for the A281 went along Quarry Street – just imagine!

    The quirky loos are at Newlands Corner.

  5. Charles Graham Reply

    June 11, 2016 at 9:10 pm

    From the directional sign by the traffic light, this can only be Friary Street entering onto High Street.

  6. Bill and Doug Pedalpushers Reply

    June 14, 2016 at 4:45 pm

    It’s the High Street looking from Friary Street.

    We have no idea of the location of the Newlands Corner toilets!

  7. Brian Holt Reply

    June 14, 2016 at 4:58 pm

    Looking across lower High Street from Friary Street, on the left Jackson’s car showroom with the workshop and petrol pumps behind.

    Jackson’s was a Austin franchise, but later years repaired all makes of cars.

    On the right is Courts furniture store. This was also the entrance to Moon’s timber yard which was where Debenhams store is today.

    The toilets are at Newlands Corner.

  8. Margaret Cole Reply

    June 15, 2016 at 7:36 am

    The first picture shows an old Vauxall car coming out of what is now Millbrook with Jackson’s garage on the left side of this little road that was also the entrance to John Moon timber merchants, with Courts who got flooded out every year.

    The second picture is I believe the loos at Newlands Corner, quite hidden behind the kiosk, though very essential.

    One of my favourite spots, I hope they don’t ruin it all.

    Keep ’em coming, they’re getting easier.

  9. G Wheeler Reply

    June 15, 2016 at 9:20 pm

    This is junction with Market Street looking towards High Street where the garage and Courts were.

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