Fringe Box



Where Is This? No.214

Published on: 16 Jun, 2016
Updated on: 16 Jun, 2016

By David Rose

Last week’s mystery vintage picture showed a view of Guildford High Street, taken from Friary Street.

Jackson’s garage and Courts furniture store were swept away when Millbrook was created in the early 1960s. A number of readers correctly identified the location and added comments.

The quirky picture featured the public loos at Newlands Corner.

Thanks to all who replied. See their comments by clicking here on last week’s post.

Do you recognise this view? It's changed a bit. What can you identify? Click to enlarge in a new window.

Do you recognise this view? It’s changed a bit. What can you identify? Click to enlarge in a new window.

Moving on to this week’s mysteries and the vintage picture includes a railway embankment and two bridges. Once is still there, the other is long gone.

From which premises was the picture was taken? What was there then and what’s there now? Milk is the clue!

What's this feature and where can it be found? Click to enlarge in a new window.

What’s this feature and where can it be found? Click to enlarge in a new window.

The quirky picture was photographed by Dragon editor Martin Giles. The building and the feature is in the town, off High Street. Do you know where and what it is?

If you know the answers to this week’s mysteries, please leave a reply in the box below – and include extra details if you have them.

They will be published along with two more mystery images at about the same time next week. Good luck.

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Responses to Where Is This? No.214

  1. Jennie Antliff Reply

    June 16, 2016 at 7:53 am

    The road is the A3 looking south to the railway bridge from the dairy, which is now Currys /PC World.

    I think the quirky pic is in The Shambles.

  2. Chris Carroll Reply

    June 16, 2016 at 8:47 am

    Unigate dairy on ladymead. The bridge has been replaced with the concrete one seen today outside the Wooden Bridge pub.

    Of course, the A3 now runs through, where Curry’s / PC World is today.

  3. Bernard Parke Reply

    June 16, 2016 at 8:54 am

    This must have been taken from the old Co-operative dairy that once was at Weyside.

    The bridge on the right was by then a pedestrian bridge but before Midleton Road became part of the by-pass was once the main thoroughfare.

    I remember as boys we were amused to see a sign on this side of the bridge which told the drivers of horse transport to slacken the horses’ lead reins when going up Woodbridge Hill.

    Woodbridge Hill was also a challenge to early bus transport which, because of the gradient, the buses would tend to start moving back down the hill.

    The bus conductors had great difficulty in requesting passengers to remain seated.

  4. Steve Chudley Reply

    June 16, 2016 at 1:46 pm

    First one – Co-op dairy looking back towards the old railway arch leading to Woodbridge Hill.

    Second one – Angel Gate.

  5. John Gibson Reply

    June 16, 2016 at 6:09 pm

    No.1 is from the old Unigate Dairy now Curry/PC World looking towards A25 with railway going over top.

    No.2 is in the alleyway behind the Angel Inn, I think!

  6. John Lomas Reply

    June 16, 2016 at 8:20 pm

    The arched bridge is the original one at the bottom of Woodbridge Hill.

    There was a crossroads immediately beyond it where Middleton Road and Manor Road were to left and right respectively.

    By the early 1930s the second bridge had been put through to allow a straigther access to Midleton Road as the Guildford and Godalmiing bypass was being developed.

    The dairy (Co-op I believe) doesn’t appear on a map on the Old-Maps site until 1961, but I remember it from during the 1950s and possibly the late 1940s.

    At some time the original bridge had bollaards and kerbs placed across the entrances and it became a pedestrian and cycles only bridge.

    Whether this was pre-war, perhaps when the new bridge was built, or not I can’t say.

    I think the quirky pic is in Angel Gate off North Street. It shows a swinging crane arm used to hoist loads up to the doors that can be seen above the chain held staging to the left.

    Was there by any chance a maltings and/or brewery in that building?

  7. Charles Hope Reply

    June 18, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    Picture taken from the Unigate milk bottling plant – Site now B&Q.

  8. Charles Graham Reply

    June 19, 2016 at 9:19 pm

    The picture is taken from the old Co-op dairy opposite Gray’s Garage.

  9. Chris Townsend Reply

    June 20, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    The vintage view is of the bridge over the A3 to the left, as seen from the Co-op Dairy on Woodbridge Road, where Currys PC World is today. T

    he bridge that’s gone is the one at the foot of Woodbridge Hill, with the Wooden Bridge glimpsed beyond it, left stranded today.

    The quirky feature is in the yard of the Angel Hotel.

    My guess is that it’s associated with what look like the doors of a hay loft – a reminder that once horses were stabled at the inn.

  10. Margaret Cole Reply

    June 21, 2016 at 9:46 am

    The first picture shows the old Co-op Dairy in Ladymead, now Currys.

    I think the bridges have changed a bit – you used to go up Woodbridge hill from there but it’s now the A3 and on to the bypass.

    The second picture was a bit difficult, but it shows the courtyard of the Angel Hotel in Guildford High Street from a balcony North Street end.

    I imagine the hoist was there to take the luggage from the horse-drawn carriages going from Portsmouth to London.

    The Angel is the only coaching inn left in Guildford all the rest being demolished.

  11. Bill and Doug Stanniforth Reply

    June 21, 2016 at 1:37 pm

    Picture 1 is the Co-op dairy on Woodbridge Road. ‘Beaverbrook’ Giles must have taken this photo as his brand new Ford Popular is in it.

    Picture 2 is in Angel Gate. The hoist is most certainly for lifting speedboats in for repair.

    Or perhaps to suspend those who keep banging on about speedboats! Ed

  12. Marian Fripp Reply

    June 22, 2016 at 2:31 pm

    The first one looks like the Co-op Dairy.

    My mother worked there in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

    Used to go by it on the bus on my way to work.

    I think the second one is the courtyard of the Angel Hotel in the High Street.

    No idea what the winch was used for as I believe it was coaching inn. Maybe for the oats to feed the horses.

  13. Brian Holt Reply

    June 22, 2016 at 3:54 pm

    The old Co-op Dairy, Woodbridge Road/ Ladymead.

    The bridge to the right was where the former road from Woodbridge Hill went through.

    Between the dairy and the railway was Weyside Road, used by the Yellow Bus Service’s Bellfield’s route.

    Behind the trees is the railway bridge over the road used today.

    North Street entrance (rear courtyard) to Angle Hotel, High Street. A former posting house and coaching inn where coaches could rest or exchange their horses between London and the naval base at Portsmouth.

    The oldest part of the building dating back to the 1300s.

    With history dating back over 500 years, and a guest list includes Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, and Lord Nelson, it still has its coaching clock dating from 1685.

  14. Ray Springer Reply

    June 22, 2016 at 9:42 pm

    This was the Co-op dairy in Woodbridge Road near the junction with Woodbridge Hill.

    The main railway line to London runs over the bridges.

    The quirky picture is in Angel Gate.

  15. Aubrey Lehay Reply

    June 29, 2016 at 12:43 pm

    The Dairy. I remember being given some long strips of foil from which the circular milk bottle caps had been cut.

    A small tree with family ornaments, a wonky strip of lights, paper chains and Voila! Elegant Christmas decorations.

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