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Where Is This? No.215

Published on: 22 Jun, 2016
Updated on: 22 Jun, 2016

By David Rose

It was indeed the Co-op dairy along Woodbridge Road at the foot of Woodbridge Hill from where last week’s mystery picture was taken.

The dairy opened in the 1930s. Now long gone, it is the site of Currys / PC World.

The quirky picture featured a hoist that can be found in Angel Gate beside the Angel Hotel in Guildford town centre.

Lots of good replies with memories of the road system at the foot of Woodbridge Hill and thoughts about the hoist at the Angel Hotel and what it was used for.

Click here to see last week’s post and all the replies at the foot of it.

Moving swiftly on this this week’s pair of images:

Where is this?

Where is this?

Who remembers the Viking Travel Centre? Where was this in the town centre and who occupies the the building today?

Who do these feet belong to?

Who do these feet belong to?

And whose feet are these? They are near the river.

If you know the answers to this week’s mysteries, please leave a reply in the box below – and include extra details if you have them.

They will be published along with two more mystery images at about the same time next week. Good luck.

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Responses to Where Is This? No.215

  1. Teresa Bass Reply

    June 22, 2016 at 11:07 pm

    The old picture is the first unit next to the newer section of the Royal Grammar School in the upper High Street (opposite the old part of the grammar school).

    The quirky picture is of the feet of the “Alice” sculpture by the river and behind the White House pub.

  2. John Lomas Reply

    June 22, 2016 at 11:52 pm

    The old picture is on Upper High Street at a time when the buildings there had two stories and flat roofs.

    Possibly the 1960s or 70s. Now Starbucks and this row has been developed, reskinned or rebuilt with an additional floor plus loft space with multiple pitched and gabled roofs.

    Next to it is a walkway through to the Royal Grammar School’s newer buildings.

    If Alice is watching the rabbit, then the feet belong to her friend reading the book.

    This is on Millmead, across the river from Debenhams.

  3. Bernard Parke Reply

    June 23, 2016 at 7:23 am

    Viking Travel was next to the ‘new Royal Grammar School in the upper High Street.

    hese are the feet of the Alice in Wonderland statute in Millmead.

  4. Dave Middleton Reply

    June 23, 2016 at 1:08 pm

    Viking Travel, later Sovereign Travel, stood where Starbucks coffee shop now stands on the upper section of the High Street, opposite the old Royal Grammar School buildings and next to the school’s “new” annex across the road.

    I don’t think the actual building pictured exists today, having been demolished and a new building built on the site.

    The feet belong to Alice, perpetually watching the rabbit about to vanish down its hole, by the riverside near the White House pub on Millmead.

    Incidentally, the rabbit today is rabbit number two as the original one was stolen in the late 1990s, apparently cut off with a hacksaw in the dead of night!

  5. Mary Redgwell Reply

    June 25, 2016 at 4:34 pm

    They are the feet of Alice’s sister reading to Alice.

  6. Chris Townsend Reply

    June 27, 2016 at 8:24 pm

    The Viking Travel Centre was next to the new building of the Royal Grammar School on Upper High Street.

    Today the site is occupied by a coffee shop.

    The feet are those of the sister of Alice, part of the bronze sculpture of Alice and the White Rabbit, by Edwin Russell, at Millmead.

  7. Ray Springer Reply

    June 28, 2016 at 10:50 am

    The building is in the High Street opposite the Royal Grammar School, now occupied by a Starbucks coffee outlet.

    The quirky picture is of the feet of Alice, of Alice in Wonderland, in Millmead alongside the river, no doubt waiting for a speed boat. She will have a long wait!

  8. Bill and Doug Staniforth Reply

    June 28, 2016 at 4:29 pm

    Viking Travel, who specialised in speedboat tours including pillage, was in Upper High Street, now occupied by Starbucks.

    The feet belong to Louis Carroll’s Alice which are in Millmead next to the White House pub.

    Well we will have to bow to your first-hand knowledge of Viking Travel. No wonder you are keen on speedboats after all that longboat paddling. Perhaps you should go in for the raft race? The River Wey would be a doddle after the North Sea. Ed

  9. Brian Holt Reply

    June 28, 2016 at 8:53 pm

    Viking Travel Centre was next to Royal Grammar School in the upper High Street.

    It dates back to and 1964, then changed to Sovereign Travel in 1968.

    Today its Starbucks coffee shop.

    This is the Alice in Wonderland statue at Millmead, Alice is sitting on the river bank with her older sister who is reading a book, when she notices a white rabbit run past and go down a rabbit hole.

  10. Margaret Cole Reply

    June 29, 2016 at 8:27 am

    This shop is now Starbucks, 195 High Street, which was next to Allen House part of the grammar school, with Frank Knight estate agents the other side.

    These feet are part of a three-piece bronze sculptor by Edwin Russell and is at Millmead near the White House pub by the River Wey.

    Alice in Wonderland is sitting with her sister and the White Rabbit jumping down a hole. Picture taken from the Britannia pub no doubt!

  11. Russell Morris Reply

    June 29, 2016 at 8:58 pm

    The Viking travel agent is adjacent to the new Royal Grammar School building.

    It is part of a parade of shops since replaced by a clumsy Bob the Builder style development paradoxically occupied by Historic England.

    Starbucks sells a lot of coffee and allegedly pays little tax from the corner of the building where Viking once stood.

    Alice’s bare feet can be seen behind the White House pub. Does she not know that shoes are available to purchase at Debenhams just across the river?

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