Fringe Box



Why Is Bridleway Repair a Priority?

Published on: 15 Feb, 2019
Updated on: 15 Feb, 2019

Green Lane repairs

From Bernard Parke

I walked along Green Lane this afternoon, at the top of The Mount, and I witnessed a gang of workmen repairing the potholes.

The question occurs to me, why is a bridlepath receiving this treatment when there are so many such hazards and examples of poor maintenance on the main thoroughfares?

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Responses to Why Is Bridleway Repair a Priority?

  1. Frank Phillipson Reply

    February 16, 2019 at 3:06 am

    Probably because it is the access road to the Henley Fort Outdoor Educational Centre.

  2. Simon Schultz Reply

    February 16, 2019 at 2:16 pm

    I am very happy that this repair has taken place, as I frequently commute home from the railway station, in the dark, on that very path, and have hit that particular pothole several times. Perhaps those who damage the main thoroughfares with their two-ton vehicles should pay more for their upkeep?

  3. Jack Dawson Reply

    February 17, 2019 at 9:48 am

    A council member must live nearby. I believe the local estate agents now mention in their marketing packs how close the nearest councillor lives; it’s a guarantee that the roads will be well maintained.

    We believe that in this instance no councillor lives in the near vicinity. Ed

  4. Bernard Parke Reply

    February 17, 2019 at 1:46 pm

    Perhaps the time has now come to revisit this bridleway classification for it is now little more now than a residential road.

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