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Did You Work For The Getty Family When They Lived At Sutton Place?

Published on: 9 Jan, 2018
Updated on: 14 Jan, 2018

BBC 1’s The One Show is keen to talk to people who worked for billionaire J Paul Getty and his family at Sutton Place when they lived there between the 1960s and 1980s.

Billionaire J Paul Getty at Sutton Place. Picture from a BBC documentary in which he was interviewed by Alan Whicker and first shown in 1963. It can be viewed on BBC iPlayer.

It plans is to make a short documentary about life at the house that is just on the edge of Guildford, but actually within the borough of Woking.

Sutton Place was owned by the American oil baron J. Paul Getty, from 1959. He moved in in 1960 and entertained his wealthy friends there, and probably tied up business deals too.

It is said that he adopted a very low personal profile locally, being occasionally seen by Sutton Green villagers driving through in a very old model Cadillac coupé.

There is a Hollywood film out at the moment about the Getty family, and a TV series coming up soon also.

A  BBC documentary of Getty made in the 1960s by Alan Whicker at Sutton Place can be seen on BBC iPlayer by clicking here.

Another shot of J Paul Getty from the 1963 BBC documentary.

BBC film team producer and director Matthew Pitts-Tucker said: “We are keen to hear from anyone who worked at the mansion during the time the Gettys were there.

“It may have been a groundkeeper, maid, butler, dog handler, security person, driver or chef – anyone who dealt with working for the then richest man in the world!”

If you were one of those, or have any interesting snippets of information or related memories call him on 0203 6145779.

Or send him an email at:

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Responses to Did You Work For The Getty Family When They Lived At Sutton Place?

  1. Jonathan Atter Reply

    January 10, 2018 at 11:07 pm

    I was J. P. Getty’s paperboy for many years. I would cycle from Burpham to the house and back each day.

  2. John Fox Reply

    January 14, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    At night from our garden we would hear his lions roaring..

  3. Colette Grace Reply

    May 12, 2021 at 10:12 pm

    I worked there helping in the house during college holidays twice in the spring and summer of 1974. This was not long after the kidnapping.

    I can remember Gordon Getty calling in whilst I was there. I thought he was lovely.

    I had to polish ‘that’ dining table whilst standing on it and the silver from a safe in a tiny room off one of the kitchens.

    Paul Getty liked a honeycomb at the breakfast table and enjoyed broad beans with almost everything at lunch.

    The huge ornate sideboard in the dining room had large drawers full of Bendicks chocolates, which had to be set out for evening dinner.

    One one occasion I made the mistake of being dropped off at the entrance to the drive by my parents. Whilst walking towards the house, a large Alsatian called Prince bounded towards me. I froze for what seemed like an eternity until the security man emerged from the garden. He told me I was lucky because that dog was untrained!

    I met Paul Getty in the room he used to wash his hands, I think it was after coming in from the garden. We exchanged pleasantries.

    During my second spell there, the housekeeper showed me round the house. The butler and footman were on holiday so the atmosphere was good.

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