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Worplesdon WI Celebrates Its 96th Anniversary

Published on: 19 Apr, 2016
Updated on: 19 Apr, 2016

Worplesdon Women’s Institute celebrated its 96th anniversary in April with a lunch prepared by members.

WI logoThere were jacket potatoes with various fillings followed by an array of desserts including trifles, a lemon roulade, lemon meringue pie, crumble, fruit salads and flans, washed down with sparkling wine.

The opportunity was taken to say farewell to the resident caretaker of Worplesdon Memorial Hall, Bernard Callanan, who retires this year. He will be much missed as such a helpful and cheerful friend.

March has been a busy month, on April 2 the group enjoyed an interesting talk by Graham Cornick from Hydestile Resident Animals, who care for sick and injured wild animals, who brought along some of the residents including a rabbit, a barn owl and hedgehog.

On April 16 it held a jumble sale which was very successful with stalls of clothes, toys, bric a brac, books, a tombola and home-made cakes.

In the same week Worplesdon WI hosted the Woking Group meeting for some 70 members of neighbouring WIs, the speaker was Garry Wykes a warden of the Jewel House at the Tower of London.

Its programme this spring includes a local bluebell walk and visit to Watts Gallery. On April 23 a group will be visiting London for the Shakespeare Walk taking place on the 400th anniversary of his death where 37 specially-made 10-minute films will be screened between Westminster Bridge and Tower Bridge.

Worplesdon WI is actively seeking new member,s so if you are free in the daytime and enjoy these interests and would like to make new friends, it meets at 2.30pm on the first Wednesday in the month at Worplesdon Memorial Hall, Perry Hill, Guildford.  Please contact jennie.antliff@gmail .com if you would like to visit us at the next meeting on May 4.

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