Fringe Box



Where Is This? No.94

Published on: 29 Jan, 2014
Updated on: 29 Jan, 2014

By David Rose

Three different suggestions to last week’s vintage mystery photo among those who replied. The answer is the officers’ mess at Stoughton Barracks. The building has been converted to homes and is now part of the Cardwells Keep development.

And just about everyone recognised the Barclays Bank logo that can be found on the building in North Street that is now the post office and next to Moffats store.

Click here to see last week’s post and all the replies at the foot of it.

On to this week’s pairs of images. Although the pictures were taken 45 years apart the locations are fairly close to one another.

The floods of September 1968 - which road is this under water? The bus might also be a clue.

The floods of September 1968 – which road is this under water?

The vintage picture is from the floods of September 1968 and is courtesy of Sheila Atkinson of Guildford. Do you recognise the white building and therefore able to name the road? The petrol station was in operation until only a few years ago, although much rebuilt over the years.

Here’s another piece of public art and a fairly new one at that. A bit of searching is needed to find this (you should spot the river in the background). As a clue, it’s near a DIY / builders’ store – but it hasn’t got their name on it!

Where is this fairly new piece of public art?

Where is this fairly new piece of public art?

Thanks to Raineee Warnham for searching this one out and to her son who took the photo.

If you know the answers, please leave a reply in the box below. The answers, along with the next pair of images, will be published about the same time next week.

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Responses to Where Is This? No.94

  1. John Lomas Reply

    January 30, 2014 at 1:23 am

    Don’t recognise the white building but I think that is the garage on Ladymead next to what was in the late 50s an Austin or Morris dealers on the junction with Woodbridge Rd. Behind the camera would be the cafe which featured in an earlier “Where is This” and FH Barnes’s garage the Vauxhall Bedford dealers

  2. Norman Hamshere Reply

    January 31, 2014 at 9:07 am

    Woodbridge Road junction at Ladymead shows the Haslemere Motor Co.showroom,always refered to as Morris House. Suggest photo taken from forecourt of Marsham Tyre Co.

  3. Caroline Reeves Reply

    January 31, 2014 at 4:42 pm

    The flooded road is Ladymead (the old A3) and I think the quirky object is the new sculpture on the riverside near Wickes.

  4. ray springer Reply

    February 1, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    Woodbridge Road near the junction with the bypass opposite the Aldershot & District bus garage.

    The quirky photo is one of the public art sculptures alongside the river by Walnut Tree Close off the bypass.

  5. angela gosselin Reply

    February 1, 2014 at 10:59 pm

    The first picture looks like the Woodbridge road ..( Morris Depot)

  6. Brian Holt Reply

    February 3, 2014 at 5:43 pm

    This is Woodbridge Road, on the right is Wadhams car showrooms and garage, today it is H A Fox, Jaguar car showrooms.

    The Esso service station was managed by the Crouch family.

    The artwork is in the parking area for Wickes DIY store by the river, and can be seen from the river bridge.

  7. Paul Robinson Reply

    February 4, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    Woodbridge Road with Wadham Stringers, on the corner with the A25, in the background

  8. Chris Townsend Reply

    February 4, 2014 at 5:54 pm

    The white building is part of the Morris depot, Wadham’s, on the Woodbridge Road side of the junction with Ladymead.

    ‘Reeds & Seeds’ is next to the riverside path near Wickes, on Woodbridge Business Park, just off Woodbridge Road. The sculpture was made by Burrows Lea Forge of Shere.

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