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Ash Boardwalk Is Getting a Rebuild After a Series of Accidents

Published on: 29 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 31 Aug, 2024

No entry! The boardwalk is closed for safety reasons

By David Reading

The boardwalk at Ash Green Meadows – a popular spot for walkers enjoying the countryside to the south of Ash – has been closed for safety reasons.

Elderly people are reported to have tripped and fallen on the uneven walkway.

A number of elderly people are reported to have tripped and fallen on the uneven walkway, which had deteriorated over the years. A rebuild is about to get under way, with the re-opening scheduled for September.

The site is owned by the Land Trust, a Cheshire-based charity that owns or manages open spaces restored from derelict land, and is managed by the Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership (BVCP).

Aware of the accidents, the BVCP  took a decision to close it and said the work would take about a fortnight.

Elaine Devlin, who is 73, suffered a nasty fall when her toe caught on one of the uneven planks while she was walking her dogs. She landed heavily on her knees.

“It was painful and very frightening,” she said. “My knees took the full force. I’m fine now, but it was a very disturbing at the time.”

She said she was aware of at least two other people who had fallen on the boardwalk, including a friend in her 70s and an elderly man who suffered two black eyes.

Ash Green Meadows information panel. (Click on image to enlarge.)

Steve Bailey, BVCP manager, said: “It’s unfortunate we have had to close the boardwalk but we didn’t want any more accidents.

“When the Land Trust took ownership the boardwalk had already been built, but we found it to be to a poor standard and have had to carry out frequent repairs. We realised it needed a rebuild and Land Trust commissioned contractors do this a few weeks ago with a start date ‘end of August’. We expect it to take about a fortnight.

“The good news is there are plenty of alternative paths on site for people to use. And with the recent tree planting and meadow flower seeding, the overall quality of the meadows environment is improving.  I’m sure everyone will be pleased when a more sturdy boardwalk is in place.”

The repairs are being funded by the Land Trust.

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