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Stories written by David Rose

Tree Planting At Abbot’s Hospital Commemorates Platinum Jubilee and a 400th Anniversary

Abbot’s Hospital has celebrated 400 years of its community in the heart of Guildford.  While the first brick was laid in 1619 and the building’s 40th anniversary marked in 2019,…

Rubens Blog: Support for Neurodiverse Individuals at Work

Rubens King currently works as an enterprise co-ordinator to support career leaders in schools and colleges to develop their career strategies. He connects these schools with volunteers from local companies to…

Notice: Health And Social Care Careers Fair, December 15

A careers fair to attract people who may be looking for a job in health and social care is taking place at Guildford’s Guildhall in the High Street on Thursday,…

Notice: Christmas Fair At The Hive, Park Barn, Saturday, December 10

The Hive community centre in Park Barn is hosting a ‘beee-autiful’ Christmas event on Saturday, December 10. There will be stalls, Santa’s grotto, raffle, ‘dashing donkey’ rides, and more. Live…

Notice: Guildford Lions’ Christmas Collections

Members of Guildford Lions Club are collecting at Guildford supermarkets for the club’s Christmas Appeal.  Money collected will be used to buy supermarket vouchers for needy households in Guildford to…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.268

By Malcolm Fincham Inclement Atlantic westerlies continued the theme for November as we drifted into the second half of the month. Despite the forecast, my wife and I took the…

Letter: First-class Service From My GP Practice And Hospital

Name and email address supplied I appreciate my recent experience of the NHS is better than some patients have had, but in view of all the negative reports of late,…

Council Pledges Nearly £10,000 To Four Crowdfunding Projects

Protecting a community garden’s eco hub, celebrating disability art, a decorative Christmas lantern display, and engaging educational tours are four projects currently being supported by Guildford Borough Council. The council…

Activate Learning Launches First Personalised Digital Prospectus

Activate Learning has launched the first personalised digital prospectus in the further education sector for prospective students. With its learning campuses at Guildford College, Merrist Wood College and Farnham College,…

Donate Items At Tesco This Weekend To Keep Food Banks Supplied

Tesco is asking shoppers to donate long-life food items to keep food banks supplied this winter. The tenth annual Tesco Food Collection is taking place in every UK Tesco store from…