Fringe Box



Comment: Deluge of Political Drivel Must Be Costing Us Vital Woodlands

Published on: 30 Nov, 2019
Updated on: 2 Dec, 2019

Lib Dem campaign literature received.

By Martin Giles

Our postman Ray is a Lib Dem campaigner. He doesn’t realise it. He just continues to do his round, trying to remember where the spring-loaded finger-skinning letterboxes are, as well as the postie-hungry attack dogs.

If I am quick to pick up our mail after his drop he might hear my muffled shout from behind our front door: “Okay! I get the b***** message. Now stop wasting paper.”

Nonetheless, he has been responsible for delivering at least 12 pieces of Lib Dem electioneering literature to Chez Giles in this campaign, some decidedly dodgy.

And the ghastly Lib Dem “Guildford Gazette” trying to pass itself off as a newspaper just shouts: “Here’s fake news.” What an ill-thought-out idea. Caused the party problems with angry real Gazettes in Hampshire, among other areas

The “Guildford Gazette”

But all these fantasy mail drops cost money and, as we know, Guildford is on the Lib Dem list of possible wins. The Green Party candidate reluctantly agreed to stand aside to enhance Zoe Franklin’s chances.

Surprising then to learn the “Vote for a Final Say” campaign (a spin-off from the People’s Vote after an acrimonious spilt) does not have Guildford on their list of 25 “knife-edge” seats.

Perhaps they judge another Tory victory is more likely than we figured.

And perhaps Conservative confidence is the reason why, as far as I can tell, we have had only one election pamphlet from them, although we have heard of others being circulated.

Confidence of victory is unlikely to be the reason for the low level of Labour literature. We had one pamphlet but the signs are that their Brexit policy, combined with first-past-the-post, is allowing the predicted squeeze on their vote to take effect.

We have had two leaflets from the now-Independent Anne Milton, and it was good to see the Dragon quotes the latest one contained. No doubt our cheque is in the post.

I do wonder how many voters are really influenced by this avalanche of drivel? How many people even read it? And how many trees, woodlands we cannot afford to lose, have disappeared because of all the leaflets produced across the UK during the campaign?

If there was another referendum (now there’s an idea) to ask whether all junk mail, including election campaign leaflets, should be banned (“Jexit”, geddit?). I know which way I’d vote.

And with that in mind, I don’t think I’ve had a leaflet from John Morris of the Peace Party. Perhaps his non-violence stance includes sparing me an assault on my letterbox. Thank you, John.

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Responses to Comment: Deluge of Political Drivel Must Be Costing Us Vital Woodlands

  1. Stuart Barnes Reply

    November 30, 2019 at 3:12 pm

    How interesting. The only two pamphlets that I have received are one from the Liberals (put straight into the recycling) and one from the genuine Conservatives. I have not had any from the Socialists or the pretend Conservative let alone any of the fringe parties.

    I am not complaining but I wonder if the parties have a way of deciding that some addresses are just not worth bothering with?

  2. Lynn Smith Reply

    November 30, 2019 at 5:09 pm

    Glad we are not the only ones being inundated with Lib Dem campaign literature. I can go one better, I have just recycled a letter from a Sarah Wollaston. Not sure who she is, but she is urging me to vote Lib Dem so that we can protect our planet for future generations.

    I think I just heard another tree being felled.

  3. Julian Cranwell Reply

    December 1, 2019 at 8:43 am

    The Lib Dems will need the 60 million trees they have promised, just to restore those lost in their “avalanche of drivel”. I’ve had five drops thus far from them, all unwelcome.

    Being in Mole Vally, I was shocked to see their candidate promising to preserve the green belt, in the full knowledge that the GBC villages in the east of GBC, yet in the Mole Valley parlimentary constituency, are having theirs trashed by his Lib Dem colleagues at GBC.

  4. Matthew Smith Reply

    December 1, 2019 at 9:00 am

    I would like to know how the Liberal Democrats can legally send out so many leaflets to so many voters here in Guildford.

    It is regrettable that your article doesn’t mention that there is a limit on how much is spent per constituency in a General Election.

    Printing so many leaflets is one cost but paying the Royal Mail to deliver so many of them is hugely expensive.

    It would be very interesting to learn more from the Liberal Democrats about how this can possibly add up.

  5. Sue Warner Reply

    December 1, 2019 at 9:55 am

    As soon as I see it’s stuff from any political party, it goes straight in the recycling I don’t read it, I don’t open those that come in envelopes addressed to me because wherever it comes from it’s all lies. Waste of time and money.

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