Anne Milton is the subject of the first of a series of longer interviews we hope to conduct with the Guildford Parliamentary candidates standing in the forthcoming General Election.
She tells Martin Giles about her difficult decision to leave the Conservative Party, about her views of the current political party system, Boris Johnson’s dismissal of the importance of Guildford as a Tory seat, and her chances in the election and her views on local planning.
She also takes head-on the charge that she is only standing to qualify for a redundancy payment.
As a postscript to the interview, Ms Milton realised she had meant to raise the provision of good GP services as the most important health issue facing Guildford.
See other parliamentary candidate interviews here.
This is the list of all candidates standing in Guildford:
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Andy Goss
November 18, 2019 at 8:07 am
The response to the redundancy question is barely credible. At the very least one would be on top of this and know the payments.