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Dragon Interview: Guildford’s Lib Dem Candidate Responds to MP’s View

Published on: 10 Oct, 2022
Updated on: 10 Oct, 2022

Having heard Guildford MP Angela Richardson’s take on the current situation at the top of national politics and her unhappiness with some of the policy decisions being taken, we wanted to hear from her main political rival Liberal Democrat Zoe Franklin.

Zoe is expected to be the Lib Dem candidate at the next general election and is bound to be optimistic given the current standing of the Conservative Party.

Dragon Interview: Guildford’s MP on the Mini Budget and Local Planning

In the hours after Angela Richardson’s interview there was a sharp U-turn on the 45 per cent top tax rate. Then there was the disunity on public show at the Tory conference and today there are rumours that a decision to tie benefits to wage rates as opposed to the inflation rate is to be reviewed.

Zoe Franklin

So what is Zoe’s view of the situation? What would the Lib Dems do? Why, given the situation, are they not showing stronger in the polls at the moment?

And what are her views and the Lib Dem view on local planning? It has been almost impossible to discern a party line. Zoe was keen to stress that she did not speak for the Lib Dem Group at Millmead and who does? Our attempts to get a video interview with their group leader and the new GBC leader have, so far, failed.

But in this 30-minute interview with Martin Giles, Zoe gives her view on local planning for the town and the borough including building height control. Please watch…

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Responses to Dragon Interview: Guildford’s Lib Dem Candidate Responds to MP’s View

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    October 10, 2022 at 11:50 am

    So Zoe Franklin, after all these years, is unaware of the true housing need within Guildford. She has certainly had time to read the relevant documents submitted to GBC by many residents during the Local Plan consultation.

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    October 11, 2022 at 6:21 am

    Well, that’s nearly half an hour I won’t get back. 27 minutes of platitudes, and telling us what a bad job others are doing. No apparent knowledge on what is wrong with the local plan. No real indication of what the Lib Dems would actually do, apart from it will be nice.

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