The public should be shown possible options of how any North Street redevelopment should look says John Rigg in this comprehensive interview with The Guildford Dragon’s Hugh Coakley.
Councillor Rigg was for nearly a decade the chairman of the Guildford Vision Group (GVG) and was probably regarded by former council leader Paul Spooner as a thorn in his side, at least on occasions; the recent Conservative administration seemed to keep GVG at arm’s length.
But now, as part of Residents for Guildford and Villages (R4GV), he has been elected as a borough councillor. His party group comprises 16 members and Cllr Rigg has recently been promoted to the Executive to take on the Major Projects portfolio.
Please read on to learn more about his views of what should happen in Guildford’s town centre. He wants it to be “spectacular”…
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