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East Horsley WI Hear All About Livery Companies

Published on: 3 Aug, 2016
Updated on: 31 Jul, 2016

For its July meeting East Horsley WI enjoyed an illustrated talk titled The City Livery Companies, from Jo Mabbutt, a liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers and a Freeman of the City of London.

WI logoThe Painter-Stainers are one of the oldest livery companies. Jo has developed techniques for gilding fabrics and is now designing and making gilded jewellery.

Her work can be seen in the Medicine Garden, Cobham. She teaches at Central St Martin’s College of Art, dividing her time between designing, lecturing, teaching and her role as a liveryman.

Jo explained the origins and history of the livery companies and the role of the Lord Mayor of London.

The companies developed from the Medieval guilds, the first being the Mercers Company.

Today there are 110 livery xompanies. They are very generous supporters of charities, schools, colleges, churches and the armed forces.

Forty two livery halls still survive. The new livery companies include modern profession. For example, The Worshipful Company of Information Technologies.

The companies have promoted the City and Guilds qualification and Jo herself is project co-ordinator of the Livery Companies Apprenticeship Scheme.

There is no formal meeting during August but members are looking forward to a boat trip and coffee evening at a member’s house.

There will be gin tasting visits to the Silent Pool in September and the meeting on September 21 at 8pm includes a talk titled When I Was at the Bar – the experiences of Peter Thompson, a former barrister.

Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in East Horsley Village Hall. Visitors and new members are very welcome. For more details ring 01483 285145.

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