By Hugh Coakley and Martin Giles
Some Normandy residents say several mandatory documents have failed to appear on their parish council website, breaching the official code on transparency and openness.
One missing record is the crucial Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2019/20, listing details of the council’s finances and governance.
Government rules required this to be published on their website by August 31, delayed by Covid from the usual annual publication date of July 1, with the final, audited accounts released on November 30.
Without access to the AGAR, residents are not able to “question the appointed auditor about the [council’s] accounting” or exercise their “right to make an objection” to the external auditor, rights stated in the council’s own recent website notification.
The notification was finally published on or about September 12, although the mandated 30 working-day public inspection was stated as starting on August 26, over two weeks earlier.
Another contentious document is the internal financial audit for 2019/20 by outside auditor Maxwell & Co of Farnham. A well-placed source believes this has highlighted “a lot of failures within the year” which need attention by the councillors. This report, too, should have been published with the annual return.
Council chair Alan Cheesman did not answer questions about the audit but told The Dragon: “All our councillors are unpaid volunteers and give up their spare time to work very hard for the good of the village. And I believe our community appreciates that.
“We do hope you will not persist in encouraging a few disgruntled, unnamed residents to undermine this goal with unsubstantiated information, and instead focus on all the positive things our team do for their community.”
The parish council told The Dragon by email that they comply fully with the statutory Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. But a two-month investigation shows more than the two apparent breaches already cited.
The full list includes:
Not publishing the details of public land and building assets (cls 24 to 27), the Register of Assets. Mr Clarke told The Dragon by email that the Register of Assets is formally reviewed annually by the full council, adding: “The document can of course be viewed in the clerk’s office by arrangement.”
The website of Puttenham Parish Council, where Mr Clarke is also the clerk, states: “Please note, minutes are not available to view until they have been approved.
The Transparency code states such information should be freely available on the website to give “local people the tools and information they need to hold local public bodies to account”.
In July, Normandy borough councillor, David Bilbe (Conservative Independent) told The Dragon he had been “accused of harassment and for having a personal crusade” when he had requested minutes of a PC planning meeting.
Cllr Bilbe said a resident, now a Normandy parish councillor, made a complaint against him to the borough council, later dismissed. Whether the accusation and the complaint are connected is unclear. GBC has not yet responded to enquiries.
Mr Clarke has asked The Dragon about our sources, adding: “Our residents are able to pose queries like these directly to me at any time and it is unusual to go via the media in this way.”
Two told The Dragon they are apprehensive about challenging Mr Clarke because of previous experience and they believe others have similar worries.
Mr Clarke was in the news when he performed a 30-mile walk, 10 times round a three-mile circuit in Normandy, over the August Bank Holiday to raise funds for “Combat Stress”, the Armed Services’ Mental Health charity, and “Step by Step” a teenage homelessness charity.
The Dragon has provided the Surrey and Sussex Association of Local Councils (SSALC) with details of our enquiries.
Residents also have the right to make a complaint, with anonymity if requested, about the accounts or the process to the government-appointed auditor, PKF Littlejohn at Contact details can be found in the Notice of Public rights on the Normandy website.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Normandy Parish Council
September 25, 2020 at 12:18 pm
The article relating to Normandy Parish Council includes extracts from the chairman’s letter to the editor dated 10 September 2020. However, those extracts are taken out of context in the headline article [sic].
To ensure that readers are fully aware of the council’s position the complete chairman’s letter has been placed on the Parish Council’s website for their information.
The parish council therefore invites readers to read the complete chairman’s letter, so that the true facts are known and not taken out of context by just reading the headline article.